Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Challenger 2 ingame never had 1300mm of CE protection on their turret cheeks it was always at an average of 1000mm.

Naa they’re done with it… Just like I’m done with bothering to play the things.

I admire your optimism, but this is the final product.

It’s an incredibly poorly implemented, badly researched, low effort final product but gaijin consider it done.

I’ve spent quite a bit on this game over my time but that is now done. Gaijin will be receiving zero money from me going forward after spitting in our faces like this.


Been in this game since January 2014. I have never been so disappointed with their decisions.
What was the point of showing us the improved version on the Dev server? I know, they first tried to do the job correctly but then they became frightened again that the impenetrable mantlet could make the British top tier somewhat OP. The new mantlet must be at least impenetrable for the Russian 3bm60 on distance and that is a big no no for the Russian Devs of War Thunder.

The rule of thumb in this game is that if something is implemented in the game Russians shouldn’t be affected in negative way. For example, what do you think, why haven’t we received the anti-Thermals netting for the Challengers yet? The answer is that Russians don’t have similar thing that could be implemented but now remember from the last update, for which only vehicle where spall liners going to be implemented until the massive backlash arrived? it was T90M. They weren’t going to implement spall liners for other vehicles because why should they care?

Only one particular nation is well taken care of in this game. Just recently when they put Strela to 10.0 the replacement for it on lower BR arrived almost instantly. Contrary, all other nations have to be begging for years to get something they want.

Don’t get me started on spaa.

Look at the stormer. It was broken for over 6 months where the missiles just passed through aircraft.

Zero urgency in fixing it and zero mitigation attempts. It was just left to rot.

Imagine if it was the strela, that shit would have been fixed in a week tops.


Devs are biased towards the Russians on an alarming level. It’s truly impossible to not notice this


You would think, then you have people saying they think the chieftain mk 5 is a better tank than the t55am. Had this exact argument with a guy trying to explain that the t55am has a “worse” apfsds round than our apds because it has apfsds like “properties” whatever they mean…. Also this guy has never used a chieftain so he was just going of what he had been told. Their either oblivious or truly don’t care as long as their nations having fun.

All the chief mk5 needs is the last rangefinder it should have, that way you got mk3 → mk5 with lrf → mk10 with lrf and dart.

It would be quite a nice progression and logical but nooooo, can’t have nice things.

It can be quite the struggle facing dart slingers with laser rangefinders at a distance.

It will never get the lrf though, a certain suggestion mod saw to that.


Why not, someone literaly has to the document showing all the modifications each mod of the chieftain got? What was the fucking excuse this time…. The mk 5 irl got the lrf and apfsds round…

This was the one I was thinking of :

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Jesus Christ, not all mk 5s had laser range finders huh…. I wonder how many bvms had thermals but were given them anyway for balancing purposes…… the double standards of this company astound me.


Nah thats a load of shit, not all mk.5’s had a lrf, more had a lrf than t-80[model goes here] had thermals.

The chieftains are already to high of a BR, having very low speed, terrible protection against HEAT and even the weakest russian APFSDS at the same br, all whilst having an APDS shell, that well shatter or ricochet way more than it should.

The mk3 should go back to 8.3, no clue why it was put up, the mk5 should also be 8.3, the mk10 should be 9.7 unless its given its historical round, L23A1


9.7? I’m assuming you meant 8.7. On that I disagree as the mk 10 is usable at 9.0, the problem being gaijins love for SMALL MAPS…. The mk 5 should get the lrf and maybe the l23 dart (I think that’s the one in the mk 10 right?) while the mk 3 goes down to 8.3. This would give a nice spread for the brs and bolster the lineups we have already. We could also easily replace the mk 10 with the mk11 simply by giving it a mod which gives it thermals like how they did for the bvm. All of this would be amazing and so wonders for the British tech tree, so never expect it to come.

Personally i think the MK10 is great at 9.0, and honestly unless the thermals were gen 2 i wouldnt want them as it would just mean a pointless BR increase for something that does nothing but make it face even stronger opponents.

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basicly the rework they were suposed to do was just changing stuff to volumetric.

also the mantlet thickness in the dev server was only threatening to one nation, guess who.

To be completly fair, Russian tanks are nowhere near being the best tanks in the game and we all know that, maybe they’re still working on it, there are still a few reports open and forwarded.

they will never be because theyre inferior in real life. not even with all the artificial bonus they will be better. they only havent crumbled because of how unrealistic the era works

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How that change my statement? Its a game remember.

its funny how its not a game when it comes to the heavy era on the side of the TES. its a game and its modeled as close to real life when it suits them either way.

ppl realise this is a game, so why dont they just balance it? how is it balance to compare a leopard 2a7 to the challenger 3td in the same BR? no blow out pannels, no spall liner in the turret, worse armour all around, oh thats right because it would suit them to give them real life modeling…