Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

We’ve read your reports, we think you’re wrong. Sincerely gaijin.

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Thanks for the update, look forward to the responses/changes.

Zde je nejnovější verze VS-580 pro Challenger 2, která také obsahuje termiku

I will be honest with you. My expectations were decently high for this rework, it seemed good. Now they hit rock bottom. Hope devs TRULY take a look at everything, both Cr2 and Cr3 that has a old Cr2 model again.


I think the fact that this tech discussion thread has nearly hit part 2 speak volumes (and would have done if it wasnt for other threads also on the CR2 being semi-active) . The ONLY threads that beat it are R&R threads and the only non-R&R thread that even comes close is the Off-Topic, Mig -29 or Germany threads which have nearly half the comments. It is clear something is wrong. They cant ignore it forever. and the number of well researched and detailed reports do reinforce that this isnt just complainig. There are genuine issues.

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At the end of the day, they can think they are right all they want, but we have been shovelling information onto their lap over and over and we can make enough noise for them to finally get intern Igor to come and dig their heads out of the sand.

Yeah, the bug list has been glorious to use and I’ve suggested to others for the tanks like the LeClerc and Ariette to do the same.

The developers seem afraid of allowing a tank mantlet withstand some punishment.

I think it is important that Gaijin realises that it would NOT be unbalanced if a tank, let alone a non-meta/mediocre one, could take some shots to the mantlet without being insta-killed.

It appears they believe to be a requirement for balance that modern MBT mantlets are a one-hit kill weakspot vulnerable to 1950s shells, so I think it is important to take the step of ditching that idea and let tanks have their properly armored mantlets already.

If they are afraid of hull-down tanks, we should remember that an armored mantlet won’t protect a barrel and, most likely, the breech either; it would still be a firepower kill leading to a 30 second repair that would expose the tank to flanking; so it doesn’t need to be insta-killed in order not to be invincible, if that’s what they fear.


Though Leopard 2A7Vs can though, which is what confuses me the most. Its really hard to one shot one of those

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I hope so

Leopards? A t80bvm is basically pure luck to kill from range as even if you hit the breach the era somehow blocks it because he decided to turn his turret at that exact moment. And even then you’ll have to shoot the era another 5 or 6 times for it to get destroyed.


Yeah, that is also just as bad

did you hask about the cr3 td receiving the remodel?

actual skill issue

Not yet, we talking about Challenger 2

the cr3 td is basicly the same thing with a diferent gun

Well yes but no. Either way it obtained the old Cr2 damage model (again), so it is a thing to look at

If you guys want something to do whilst we wait for a patch about the cr2 :the buccaneer s2b is in a good line up with the cr1

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Tbh, i like the Jag more.

Fair, i just like the novelty of the martels