Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

omg you too? lol

can we consider the manufacture of those plates. lets say they do it for both the warrior and the challenger. if the warrior one is AL then maybe the challenger one is AL also. they could be trying to save weight.

that being said if it is AL then the armour levels should be a lot better on the frontal upper plate and the chobham block at the front.

I trust you, not to misconstrue the work I put in, and think you’d do it justice from here, man :)
If you think you’ve got a good counter point or can expand on my work, please do!

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I was close to that, but seeing the rework and its progress got me more interested.

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We are all playing helldivers :)
Its a great game, and an actual f2p experience

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for democracy

Crazy the amount of fun one can have, when a studio is honest, communicates and prioritises their games value over ways to obtain my card details :p

you should take a look at path of exile also. if you like arpgs, the company is also one of the best in the market when it comes to that.

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Fair enough, man! I read somewhere a while back that the devs said ASPRO-HMT (the bricks) still meet STANAG 5 in game, and at that point, I stopped caring if this game gets fixed or remains a half baked mess.

I’d rather invest my time some place where it feels worth it


Well, we have one thing saying steel

Well, rejoyce, they buffed it


Well they got increased slightly on the dev, I might go back and repoke the Aspro stuff too but I mean, look at the mantlet! Look how far we’ve come.

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Ah yes a ‘buff’ more like a token increase in protection


too bad they didnt make aspro 1/5th of the thickness like kontakt. then it would be more believable to have kinetic protection.

how about Helldivers 2?

Lots of luck, gentlemen. I think it’s unfortunate Gaijin’s blessed with such a caring, dedicated and passionate staff and community - Held back by its developers stubbourness and focus on antiquated predatory F2P models.

I realised a fair bit ago that my time was outright being wasted and that what I really wanted, was a game that gives you the same fun you had, playing Halo 3 on your Xbox 360 back in the day lol

Gaijins devs don’t have any set rules or reasoning for why some things are added and some arent. Alot of their work flies in the face of their consumers, and outright contradicts their previous stances.

It’s just tiring man. Entire classes of vehicles, like bombers, with no use. Double standards on prototype vehicles and armor. Favouritism towards cashcow nations, the lack of any and all innovation in the way of game modes. The constant high horse approach to the standard of proof, like they’re creating the finest military simulator on earth…
It gets to a point where you realise, even if they fixed half these problems - fundamentally, the game is just not fun and their developers are the only ones to blame here.


This was always the case, just the xray view had the wrong details. Sorry

Its an incredible game, made by incredible people, who understand how to communicate with their audience, engage as a part of their community, not prey on their audiences wallets, and prioritise fun.

Its a game to play for the sake of having a good time.

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I play WT because of the challenger. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Thank you for your research on the challenger2


it used to be 1300 CE