Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Which was accurate btw :p

yea i think youve reached a point like i did a few years back. bare in mind i even got myself perma banned from the old forum.

and like i have sayd before in this thread, its not worth to get upset over a game. theres other games go play them, remember your wallet speaks louder than you.


Deep rock, hell divers, odst…. It’s amazing what 4 men can do when your put up against bugs and machines.

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It’s when they try and explain to you that they have done what you’ve said but just come up with the most bat shit reason you can imagine. Especially when they said it achieves the stanag level 5 when it includes the base plate, base side armour and aspro nera just to reach those levels…… I’m just here watching and waiting to see if they actually go with the buffs or go back as they see that the challenger will actually become a tank worth the time and effort it took to get it.

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I would be genuinely shocked if they made ASPRO-HMT perform anywhere close to realistically.
But in the eyes of Gaijin - The west is incapable of making ERA that performs beyond the stuff they mounted to M60s.
Meanwhile a thin slab of Relikt can stop DM53, yet we’ve got photo evidence that it does nothing.

But Russia is a big tech tree, its fresh in peoples minds and is popular - So its best to make them powerful and squeeze that lemon dry by putting as many premiums in as possible.

Same goes for the US air. Getting an endless supply of capable top tier fighters.

I’ve given them pretty much all the information on ASPRO-HMT that is in the public domain, along with testing parameters for STANAG 4569. But they’ve got their one document that shows the LAV diagram and that’s enough for them to rule out ever making their game fun.

It’s so strange to me. Its such a high horse stance of “Everything in this game must be hyper accurate with at least 2 references and a signed letter from your doctor”. Its a video game. Not a particularly fun one at that, because the developers spend more time arguing with the community, then adding gamemodes and making it balanced.
You can give Gaijin all the info in the world, but if it doesn’t line up with their personal opinions, it doesn’t go in.
They’re incredibly stubborn, ungrateful and seem hellbent on adding more methods to snatch from their customers wallets, than making their game an actually enjoyable experience.
They come off as elitist, and require simulator levels of proof, when this game simply isn’t that.


That diagram is correct, as it shows how you measure Stanag level in LAV case. 5 from the front and 4 from the rest. Sadly they think all Stanag are measured from the front of the vechicle, not like you would measure it from the front of the armour block if it is about the block.

Its comical that they use a STANAG measuring diagram from a vehicle that never mounted any types of ERA, nevermind ASPRO-HMT and only was reinforced with a mine plate and more RHA iirc since its entered service.

The diagram is correct in the angles by which STANAG is tested on a vehicle setting. But STANAG 4569 trials are conducted on individual panels, Not entire armor assemblies. I provided photographs, testing methodologies, company statements, and yet they wont accept that because their LAV diagram shows different.

It’s pathetic.


Whoops. These BRAT tiles seem to have done their job ok.
M2 Bradley ODS-SA BRAT HERA tiles

Do we know if the -HMT tiles have a similar internal layout?


We dont know the exact internals of ASPRO-HMT outside of it being “NERA” which means ERA & Composites, so its most likely a similar rough layout but much thicker. Alongside the ERA not causing the entire block to be used upon being hit, say if the block stops a RPG-7 warhead with only half the ERA, it wont detonate the entire block like on Relikt for example.

We know that ASPRO-H is based on the same concept and technologies as BRAT (so very likely the same sort of materials and layout) and ASPRO-HMT is an upgrade over the BRAT in terms of the reactive element.

Yeah, I’ve seen @Gunjob taking this stance as well.

The issue is STANAG is a vehicle level qualification. The ~1990s document they quote for the testing criteria, is specifically talking about testing vehicles. It doesn’t mention testing individual armour components.

All of that ignores the fact that the ERA doesn’t even give the STANAG level 4 protection, nevermind level 5.
B32 penetrates the ASPRO-HMT.

State of the art NERA/ERA elements can’t stop 14.5mm AP bullets, but a few sacks of C4 Relict can apparently stop 120mm DU penetrators at 0 degrees.


@Gunjob Will they further update the challenger’s model in the test server? Or on the official server? Currently, only one CR2 has a new model. Will all CR2 on the official server have a new model, including 3TD? Thank you so much!

Don’t know mate, we’ll have to wait and see.


Thank you


Can you check the Hull armour? looks different than i remember.


I meant the Composites :p


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