Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Yes I think they will, as for the hull there was some issues with it leaving holes and such so I think it makes sense

Commander is too high iirc

yyy NO. You did your lines rather poorly. let me find a video

and well
commander sits too high. There is also a debate if both of them are too high or no

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IDK. But sit too high is not bad in WT , enemy penetrates your HULL but cannot reach the crew in your turret.

There is the weak spot on the top left that can just be shot and take out gunner and commander though. Unless that was fixed in the new armor changes.

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You’re right, I forgot about this

They said the armor of 99A and Leopard was buffed? Is that bug or real?

I’m far from an expert on this but someone did in-depth calculations on this showing that if it was aluminium it would be a couple tons lighter than what it is in game. Tbh even I am surprised at how light the composite blocks are but they did use the weight added from other challenger variants composite blocks to figure out how much they actually added roughly. I’ll see if I can find it but from what I remember they can to the conclusion that it was rha or steel rather than aluminium.

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it was @Legwolf Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion - #5080 by Legwolf

It was legwolf, his CR2 base weight was too low

Was the ammunition not accounted for or something?

little off the topic, it that possible to buff CR2 reloading ?

Entirely on-topic actually.

Probably. though reload rates are entirely a balancing thing.

Goes in challenger 2 forum, may be a little off topic but can we buff the chally 2. lol. I think someone’s put in a report about the ready rack being. 24 instead of 4 but I think that’s pretty much it.

That would be the best buff we can ask for currently and it would be kinda huge.

But Abrams got that 5 second reload. Chally 2 can on the same grounds I think

Reload rate is great on the CR2, the issuse as Goth has just stated is the ready being 4 shells + 1 in the gun, if it was buffed to the 24? i think its meant to be it’d be more than enough in the firepower department, despite L27A1 underperforming but thats w/e its good enough for top tier.

The only problem I have with l27 and most British rounds is that they simply feel like apds with how little spall they create. Going from that to even dm 33 is like night and day as one can one shot most things centre mass where as the other can pen a lot more but it’s like heat where u have to sim for specific crew.

Yeah L27 has weirdly little spalling but its w/e, you get used to it and adjust.

any link ?

You could maybe buff the reload to 4 ish second for the first three or four shots, then getting to 5 as the loader gets tired, but as people already said reload rates are more based on balance, plus that would be a little too much effort for gaijin, as well as making the russian tanks less powerful due to having a greater gap between western manual loaders and russian auto loaders