Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

You are a machine, has the lack of an inner cheek plate been reported yet? The fact there is no plate modelled between the cheek and the mantlet?

EDIT: Its the plate that should be here, but as you can see you can select the armour on the turret side through this.


It is modelled on Leo 2:

Hehe… I love making the bug list longer :P

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Is the position of the optics correct?

Great. Can’t wait to accidentally forget about the BOL nerf and have an AIM-9E burn through my flares in a Tornado.

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It’s funny when they draw lines in the sand like this, then completely ignore it when it suits them. Any published/leaked footage of Ka-52 “FLIR” indicates a really poor level of zoom on the thermal sight, and even using digital zoom it can’t match released footage from the day sight. But in game Ka-52 thermal sight has the exact same zoom as the day sight.

Meanwhile all Apaches had their zoom cut in half a few updates ago with no explanation or proof from GJN.

If there was a Russian tank with digital zoom that no one else had, I’m sure GJN would manage to model the digital zoom. I would bet my house on it.


ive allready sayd it numerous times, every new game mechanic a russian vehicle has gets introduced with no issues.

i dare to say that the black night was introduced with aps because they were about to introduce the t55 with aps.


Yeah, spall liners wouldn’t have been added at all if they weren’t going to the T-90M, despite there being Western tanks in game for years which should have them. The Tornado IDS should have some IR and radar jamming capabilities, but only su25s are allowed that on aircraft, apparently. Now they give us a functioning maverick which can actually kill tanks, but only when they are also giving Russia an even better ATGM in the same update.

Your forgetting the fact we still don’t have a stinger spaa or any kind of usefull spaa between 8.3 to 11.7. And yet they just gave Russia a shilka with iglas despite them already having the best spaa in the game being the strela, I’m fed up with not having an actual spaa to use.


Yeah it’s pathetic.

UK gets a stormer at 10.3 with more than double the minimum range it should have, despite @Gunjob and others submitting sourced reports on this. The IRST has also been shown to be underperforming, but no improvement there. It’s been six months and they still haven’t 100% fixed the projectile phasing issue.

Meanwhile Russia gets the best SPAA in the game at 11.7, along with one of the next best SPAAs in the game at 10.0

But yeah, no bias in this game lmao.


This is also a standard, sights are based on their day versions.

Dev server was updated, from what I can read. Any changes to the Challenger 2/3?


Only one I can see.

Yeah we should get the stormer with the 25mm and stingers


there was a version with a 30mm


Cough… 30mm one*

i personally believe they are aluminium, being conservative the side skirts + mine plate is about 6.5 tonnes in weight, that leaves us a budget of 4.5 tonnes for the rest of the OES gear, the turret side chobham blocks + lfp chobham block + the ufp add-on, + the cage armour + add-on hull side armour. its not insignificant. and i think that extra 3 tonnes going towards a steel side plate doesnt leave enough weight for the rest.

btw did anybody look into that TES add-on side plating on the hull?

Do you think Gaijin will modify the mantlet according to your report? Why did Hull re model? thanks

Hard ti get info on it and pics, as most of the time the side is either covered or they are in the shadows

should gunner sit a little bit higher? @DevilO6 @Fireball_2020