Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

I thought you got some? Or was that flame?
Im sure someone posted pictures at some point

No no, flame and all the other are doing the work. I’m just sat here chipping in so I feel involved.

I honestly have no idea where to start and I’m too afraid to ask at this point.

Yes It was shown on the sides for the driver, but not how far it extends for. It was wisest to wait for photo’s so it could be added in full rather than it being stalled later on for a further fix.

Huh? What is this a response to lol?

I am in the same boat though, I dont really know much about this stuff, but im a humble british main and want to see the Cr2s improved.

My one contribution has been a camouflage net remodel suggestion, which has now been passed to the devs this month :D


Already done more than me, well done. I thought u were replying to me about if I had given any documentation on the chally 2 or not.

Is the mantlet itself modelled as too high? it seems to be raised a bit too much and is out of place

Well an improvement but its still wrong

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I really want to know where there getting these values from…. 500mm of ce still isn’t even close to the correct values and isn’t close to anything we’ve been able to find so are they just guessing or saying that they think this is more “balanced” for them.

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Test server Challenger 2 custom battle protection test results
First test: DM33 (496MM)
Green represents able to penetrate, while red represents unable to penetrate

There is a higher KE on the right than on the left
The lower part of the optics cannot be penetrated, while the upper part can
Machine guns can penetrate
Solid parts can also be punctured (sometimes not)

Test server Challenger 2 custom battle protection test results
Second test: 3BM42 (457MM)
Green represents able to penetrate, while red represents unable to penetrate

3BM42 is easier to penetrate Mantlet
There are some areas where DM33 cannot penetrate, but 3BM42 can
The new mantlet for CR2 is too bad

the new mantlet is composed of bug

As much as I dont trust Gaijin normally. It is dev server. Just look at what the Gripen FM was like on the Dev server vs what its like in game. If its not fixed by live (assuming it actually comes to live this update) then we need to get the pitch forks out.


@Smin1080p have the Devs reviewed the bug report on the ASPRO-HMT ERA/NERA ??

he is on a break for a week

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he chuckles, knowing full well John knows more than he ever will, because he’s an air main

do we need to report the issue now?

Here’s my two cents in a nutshell!



it is even worse

I get this

Didn’t you notice that his body armor was weakened?