Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

It should be 70(56°) + 30 + 300-400 + 50 How close are we to that in game.

Unable to penetrate

Can penetrate

however, in the protection analysis, it is 30+30+30+200

I believe the reason Mantlet has a thickness of 300-330 is because I compared its thickness with Hull

Yes, trunnion pins and their locks

The trunnions aren’t included anywhere on the modelling? Not even as part of the gun?

RUS MBT have

Nope, they were missing before and are missing now

The ammo changes are interesting

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Blow out pannels are red
and Cr3 does not have them (as it should)

DM33 (A7V)&3BM42
Red represents that it cannot be penetrated, green represents that it can be penetrated

  1. There is a huge difference between the actual KE data and the protection analysis in the game (the protection analysis KE is too high)
  2. The thickness of mantlet should be greater than 200
  3. We need a rotor
    @Fireball_2020 @DevilO6

Let me know about what they sway about the aluminium backing. I’ll have to get my ass down to the tank museum with a magnet…. Been busy so haven’t been able to so far but I did think they already accepted that it wasn’t due to it being far to heavy if it was aluminium.


Untill you learn they are covered in anti magnetic paint ;)

We are also still missing the LFP spall liner and hull sides liners, hope they will be added in the next couple of dev servers

Hull sides cannot be added until we get confirmatory photo’s which I am working on.

More ideally we need the ufp add-ons reworked.

And lower. No idea where there pulling the lower addon armour values from considering there just “chobum” which may mean a great many things but what we do know is that it’s at worse the composite used on the chally 1s and at best the exact same composite used for the upper play. Either way the ke and ce probably need to be increased.

Problem is that is all speculation, yes it should be way stronger and Atleast 300mm KE in total but we won’t get that so.

This was a welcome and unexpected change, unfortunately im not at home to check out the dev server

I’m surprised there have not been any books or documentation stating the protection increase in passing. You would think a testimony saying it can now block such and such would be out there somewhere considering the lower glacis was one of the main problems the chally 2 had….