Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Tbh the bottom lineup is just what i used (out of my whole lineup) to get Cr3
You nailed it

The funniest thing about it, is that i forgot i had 9M and HMD (yes im stoopid) and i went to dogfight with that Jag.

10.3 is just so much more enjoyable

Not for me (i main Vic 7 when i play 10.3, and lack of charge bin causes boom boom very often)

funny thing:
on the OES the plates overlap at a certain point
also there are some wierd strong points (but those might be the seems between two era blocks)



used test round:

you go boom anyway, also i find it funny that the front ammo rack begins from the top and not from the bottom



Yes, as it also should be armoured, but hey, who cares hehe

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I’m assuming it has been reported?

Nope, as Vic 7 is a mess, the interior is wrong, someone messaged a tank museum if they have anything, but nothing yet

You know what I find funny about the whole -/+30 debate why would the armour bricks be tested from heading of the vehicle? You aren’t engaging any ERA if you attack it from 0 😂 like in what world would armour an armour package be treated in that way Jesus Christ.

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yeah i was about to say there is probably almost nothing information wise about the interrior of it

Ammorack at the back of the turret

6 sabots there
And charge bin
It seems it would be 12 charges at the back of the hull, or at least 6 on the loader side, not sure what about gunner side
And rack next to the driver of Vic Mk 4


So how is it?

Hey, I can one up that. My friends were 4 man squadding, I had been rocking the Lase on the Jag GR.1A. My mate gets a nuke in the Jag, and I told him do follow behind and I’d be a decoy for him (we knew there as at least 1 SAM).

Needless to say, being on the receiving end of about 4 missiles, I think I did my job quite well.

Absolutely nobody shot at him, they all saw a Jaguar popping up and threw absolutely everything at me instead ))))

I’m still waiting for a response, i will ping them again in a week, i don’t wanna pester them.

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Thats a Vic mk 7?

oh no lmao
its a Cr2


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Has there been any movement on the report on the 1st stage ammo ready rack? I know one of you (i’ve forgotten who sorry) put in a report that we don’t use the one we have in game and our loaders will use the ammo behind them which is something like 20+ rounds.