Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Hmmm i wonder why the US win rate is so low…
Playing top tier with the UK right now its so easy to get kills because your team has all left after one spawn leaving behind a target rich environment


Gaijin: Why are winrates at top tier so bad?
Adds another top tier premium
Gaijin: This is an absolute mystery.
Adds another top tier premium
Gaijin: Maybe theres not enough players, giving us poor stats
Adds another top tier premium
Gaijin: I guess it’ll just remain a mystery.

Adds another top tier premium


Every single game ends up like this either way
A leo just went through my mantlet, spall liner, breach, crew, ammo and out the back of the turret

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Only played about 4 matches this morning, 3 of them ended up like that.

Had 1 where the match went well, with both teams competing until the very end.

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lets see how many i can handle, that was my first

I asked my chally, how many games you will lose, and it told me

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Just checked,

Ive played 6 matches this morning, with 1 victory, being that one match where both teams fought until the end.

The rest were steamrollings (we had the US on our team every time)

It has been a week since i last played Cr2s, maybe i should play them?


Finally a steam roll. Game is too easy, nerf british gun breaches further

Do it, its totally fine, a fun an exhilarating experience.

So guys, wanna squad up?

yeah i will

We’ll never add a top tier premium… Adds top premium… Its not top tier it’s 11.3 not 11.7 so technicallyyyyyyyy… The entire community reading it like… Wow your full of ****

“Top tier premiums arent the problem” - Gaijin, probably, 2023.

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It’s not top tier if they add new tiers.
12.7 Jets now, can’t wait for the premium F-16 next update. Yeah im going to predict a premium F-16A to come this year.

First 5, the two wins were steam rolls, with the US on the enemy team of course, imo its a lack of skill is 40% of the cases.

Shout out to devil for this pro gamer move.


Final report, im sure devil can tell you what happened in the last game, I gave up

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Nothing special, Just Leos looking at the spawn (we died)

At least the nuke carrier was got.

Last week I had a match where i took down a Nuke Carrier just outside the drop zone…his wreck tumbled into the zone and managed to release it. (((

i think it is best to grind my Chally 3 with this lineup

(took the stormer out because its currently useless)
instead of this one

(dont use the AH.mk1 anymore since i dont really see the point for it)