Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

As we know this is what it looks like with the blocks removed.

Red - Backplate

Blue - is the bottom armour

The bottom armour width from the backplate is 200mm and when the block is placed on top of it, it is completely flushed with with the bottom armour which would put the block at 200mm thick.

That’s for the VARMA block

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Damn nice! That’s actually exceptionally good info!!

Yes you are correct !!


Yea, i missremembered it. I thought it is 200 with the backplate, not on top of it. My mistake

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@DevilO6 @Legwolf So are you saying this plate is only 20 mm thick?

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As a addition I should say that that text passage is about the Warrior, but it’s talking about the same ERA so still be useful

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iirc they stated it being 40mm

I remember it was something like that. Might be misremembering
A back shot
someone can pixel it i cant do it

@Smin1080p @Gunjob
Curtosy of Warhead_beast, ASPRO-HMT defeats threats “such as the RPG-7”. The modern munition for this in terms of anti-tank warfare since 1988 (long before our 2008 TES) is the PG-7VR. A Tandem warhead missile.

Furthermore on the ASPRO brochure, it has this to say about the capabilities of the blocks:
“Anti Tank Rockets at 360 degrees”
Anti-Tank rockets in this case are mentioned explicitly instead of RPG. This is likely alluding to russian 9M113 Konkurs or 9M133 Kornet both of which were in active service prior to ASPRO-HMT and likely played a key part in their development.

9M113 as fired from BMP-2M is able to penetrate ASPRO-HMT in the current build of the game.
Are these two sources sufficient to alter the Chemical Protection on TES/OES?


That’s now 3 different sources stating the RPG-7 is ineffective and ASPRO-HMT is designed to stop anti-tank missiles too. Surely this satisfies the secondary source criteria?


Assumption are banned sorry


Finally found it: A CARRV without the ASPRO and with only the backing plate

now that is a quite chonky plate
two plates
and it looks to have the same mounting points as Chally 2s


Also @Gunjob Community Bug Reporting System
New one for ya :P

“AMAP-B (ballistic) provides protection against kinetic energy penetrators like bullets, autocannon calibers like 20 mm or 30 mm and against APFSDS of tank guns like modern 120 mm or 125 mm rounds.”

Timestamp; 2:16 to 3:25

Ballistic testing of Rheinmetall AMAP-B (Advanced Modular Armour Protection - Ballistic) is demonstrated in the following video, in compliance with STANAG 4569, showing that testing is conducted on the armour piece alone and not mounted on the vehicle. In particular, testing is conducted perpendicular to the armour, meaning that “azimuth” in relation to STANAG 4569 testing means the azimuth of the armour plate, not the mobile platform.


After reading this all i can think of is jack black in school of rock… MATH MATH MATH MATH MAAAATHH XD

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Didn’t somebody ask how much the RCWS weighs?


Second source.

Timestamp; 0:0 to 1:00

In this video published by Paramount Group, we can see the testing of Matador, Maverick, and Marauder vehicle armour against small arms in compliance with STANAG 4569. The testing is conducted perpendicular to the armour system to prove the system up to STANAG 3 against ballistic attack.

Edit; sorry, this one may not apply as STANAG 3 KE is Azimuth 360°.

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So i’m just compiling what I can on the ASPRO-HMT system’s CE protection and have these sources:
ASPRO-HMT as described by the manufactuer can defend against Anti Tank Rockets.
The brochure explicitly states RPGs:
Tankograd mentions RPG-7 is ineffective.
Images of War states ASPRO-HMT is designed to defeat modern ATGMs:
Images of War goes on to say:

ASPRO-HMT is a mid 2000ish applique armor.
In 1988, RPG-7s main Anti-Tank round became PG-7VR. A two stage, tandem warhead Anti-Tank round to replace PG-7VL.
For ASPRO-HMT to defeat RPG-7 circa 2008+, it must have enough CE resistance to survive a tandem round. 1000/1200mm of CE.
This logic coincides with the Images of War source as 1000CE-1200CE would provide protection against Konkurs and Kornet launchers respectively. Modern ATGMs by 2008 standards.

ASPRO-HMT is also not just a singular block of ERA. Its Passive and Reactive in layers. This would generate multiple explosions as the jet penetrates a new layer, eventually stopping before going through the block.

This is the exact kind of multi-layering that would defeat tandem charges.