Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

@Gunjob is the above, enough evidence to support ASPRO-HMT’s tandem warhead capability, and a CE buff respectively?

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i understand what the devs are saying but for an era manufacturer they cant do that. and they cant do that because they dont know where the era will be placed. if he customer decides to put the era in he front of the tank what then?

as stated by many ppl the manufacturer only shows the block, they dont manufacture the entire vehicle. they cant promisse something based on challenger values to an country that wants to slap era on the side of armored trucks.


To quote a bald guy from pornstars…best i can do is 200ce XD (Gaijin probably)

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yeah the source he used/got given is only for the LAV as tachikaze and devil pointed out, its not a generalization on how armour effectiveness is measured

So am just looking to know if this is somewhat accurate on the layout of the backplate !!

It is not.
The middle is the same as the front with Steel plate (40mm) + 40mm Airgap onto the hull.
No additional RHA

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Gotta, and I also forgot about the 40mm RHA plate that is behind the lower 200mm thick armour.

That’s not correct either.
Front plate is HULL > AIRGAP > 40MM RHA
middle plates are HULL > AIRGAP > 40MMRHA
Rear is the same

I don’t agree with what you’re saying about the front layout, there’s definitely two plates over there:

The visual model in game is consistent with that

We had this conversation already today in chat.

It’s a debris shroud that goes over an airgap and looks solid. It’s not, it’s just 40mm gap of air.

Sorry, I couldn’t read through everything lol, so the part closer to the hull is the shroud?

No worries haha
So the very rear plates are mounted close to the hull with no airgap.
The middle section and front however have an airgap seperating the steel mounting plate from the hull. See in the photo above how there’s a void where the rear skirt lines up? That’s the 40mm airgap between steel plate and hull.

The airgap is covered by a shroud:

But I’m talking about this (orange) plate. To me it looks like it sits on top of the one in your pic (which is the yellow one, right?). Maybe you misunderstood me


Oh beg your pardon - I’ve never actually noticed that before
No idea then, sorry.

Further sources suggesting Challenger 2’s applique armor can defeat tandem rounds.


Oouhh this is embarrassing:
The source is…well…GAIJIN!!!

TANDEM warheads…


Wiki is made by the community, sometimes there are discrepancies. But that is kind of hilarious here

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Don’t they have a wiki writer? Fairly sure its a gaijin appointed dude

What i think that source is actually showing is how to measure the protection of Lighter vehicles such as anything that seems to be a IFV and below as it states “Logistics and Lightly Armoured Vehicles against KE and Artillery threats” with it using the LAV-25 as a example. Not how to measure/test if a Piece of Add on armour, which in our case would be ASPRO-HMT Meets STANAG 5.

It looks to be in around 80mm to 100mm thick ??

By a closer look it’s looking to be about half the width of the lower armour !!