Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

I cannot think of a single good reason why the OES is a GE premium while the M1A1 is a pack.

There must be a reason, but cannot fathom what it is.

GE prems tend to cost a sum that forces you to buy ge that will total over the price, so to overpaying compared to pack. MILKIN UK MAINS

but purchased by GE will be on sale in future
win rate down

Yea, maybe that will bring the CR2 fix?

Who am i lying to? It wont

my point exactly. so they are already grabbing at straws as to what to add to Britain that could be competitive. they keep everything weak, and give it gimmicks that don’t effect gameplay much, but make the player think its worth the grind due to the pure suffering you have trying to get to it due to its end tier RP cost.

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milking UK mains. its always been the case. keep them at the bottom and release something every now and then that gives them false hope. look at the new vickers. people were excited for it, because it was a new tank to Britain, only for it to be a let down to those who got it.

its pretty much gosabal at this point. Russia on top, and everyone below must suffer. the “lesser” the nation, the more they suffer.

I was also excited for it. Then i looked around for the stats it would have. I found the suggestion about it and i saw what was there. That let me to realisation that it is a worse Rooikat 105. You have no idea how dissapointed i was


That’s like all the pretotypes are

That’s another thing that confuses me, the vickers mk11.

There are so, so, so many other light tanks they could have spent the time on, we already have the rooikats. I’d have much rather they’d spent time on the stormer air defence, or the scimitar (might be getting it, if the rumours are correct), or done something like an ajax to replace the warrior in later lineups.

I dunno, something other than an enourmous wheeled vehicle whose role is pretty much already filled.

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A pointless thing, but it is a light tanks so now they have the “we gave you light tank so stop crying”

The main issue with the Challenger 3 going forward will be the hull. It is simply outdated, the hydropneumatic suspension is still heavier than other contemporaries, the LFP can’t be fixed no matter how much re-engineering takes place.

I don’t believe in buying foreign though, not when it comes to tanks, RBSL I can accept, it gets us used to Smoothbore, and some insight into D-Technologie, similar to how Germany got the same with Chobham back in the day.

And we are more than capable of building a damn hull, I refuse to believe we can’t.

Yea, but there is no funds, or no initiative. Just keep using the CR1 hull untill it breaks

Eh nah. D-technologie is KMW’s IP. RBSL (or its German part) has no know-how on it (and even if they do posses it, sharing it with RBSL would be outlawed under the IP protection act, KMW could sue them into the ground for sharing company secrets). Besides that, D-tech is outdated nowdays, even the Germans switched to using D-V variant of it (altho they still just call it D-technologie).

Yup, no funds, no initiative,

I don’t even know why they’re bothering with tanks. They’re saying we can have crap tanks because we have an air-force (which is significantly under-armed in terms of net combat capable units), but if we can have crap tanks then why not just have no tanks and invest in a large, high mobility fleet of IFV’s with ATGM’s, and its clear they think Javelin is satisfactory for AJAX.

It’s just utter madness.


My mistake in that case, I wonder where they’re getting the ‘improved armour’ touted for the hull and turret.

Epsom? That’s British development unrelated to German armours. Granted it will still be limited by Chally 2’s small hull armour cavity (~610mm LoS where Leopard 2A7V has ~930mm with the add-on, and ~720mm without it).

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I swear this hull that they insist on retaining is the biggest damn handicap the challenger 2 faces.

I don’t understand why they insist on keeping it.

To put it bluntly. Costs.

There is fundamentally no way to fix it without redesigning it to resemble either Leopard 2s or M1s hull fronts, and doing so would invite astronomical costs to the project (especially when you consider the fact CR2 LEPs turret is basically entirely new on the inside, with some external parts getting redesigned to accomodate Leopard 2s turret ammo rack).

The current LEP is already overbudget last I heard, now imagine trying what trying to fix its hull would do.


Ahhhh the greatest menace in to the Royal armed forces. The MOD and it being stuffed full of Tories. Also known as the cheapest bastards on the planet.

That or when Labour inevitably gets back into power they gut the whole thing.