Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

They cant? There is nothing they cant do. If they want to add a tank without it signature feature, they will and you will do nothing about it

it would be pointless addition im just hoping it the LEP and that it gets a better round that German has in game so i can laugh

LEP can even fire dm 73, so…

i would love to see the German mains break down that the UK got their better dart before them

That would be funny, but it would back fire to gaijin side too much to do so

You think that will stop them
They got to give it something to make it rank 8

If they wanted they would just move all the cr2s to rank 8 and call it a day

They given us a 11.3 premium we are getting something new with rank 8 even ignoring the leak list

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Yea, BN and 2E moving to rank 8, just like Gr7 moved to rank 8

Its def a 11.3 veh, but i reckon Gaijin will screw it further and whack it at 11.7

Nah they won’t make it that high due to being a premium

Yeah i do see them moving them up but adding something still at that rank

I think the only new thing will be the CR2 XXX, if it even exists and it is not OES

I’m still surprised we haven’t seen MBT-80 yet I know it never made it past prototype. But we know what the full tank would like thanks to model at the tank museum. We also know the protection values to.

This must be gaijins super reliable and top sekrit source on British vehicles. Twitter!

To make it more tempting to buy, i think they should cover the OES in full barracuda cover, and make its thermal signature that of a dead tank.

That will not happen

“its British and has a 50. cal, doesn’t matter that its just a slow and lumbering challenger 2 with the same old engine! IT HAS A 50. cal and its British! THATS NOT ALLOWED! 11.7-12.0 it is!”

genuinely tired of how much britain get messed over during these updates. its nice to see that america get another M1A1 as a pack vehicle, but the challenger 2 being a GE vehicle is hard to deal with. you pay the same amount as a pack vehicle, though through GE and get none of the bonuses a pack vehicle comes with, like more GE and prem time… anyway, I digress.

There isn’t much they could give Britain for rank 8 ground forces, without just making things up or using tanks that are experimental or test platforms. Germany have the 2a7, America have the Sep v2/3, Russia have the t90m or newer BVM variants, but what do Britain have that is currently being used or isnt already in the game? the same challenger 2’s that are only bearable at the current BR and need fixes that they haven’t seen since most have been added. For gaijin to make rank 8 work for Britain, they would have to buff all the challengers to a competitive point for rank 8 (make them as good as the leo2a7, sep v2/3 etc), which means that, they would be moved out of rank 7 into 8 and then somehow fill in rank 7 again, perhaps with challenger 1’s and more variants of it, light tanks, and somehow fill all the gaps. Rank 8 works for nations that dont already have their best vehicles in the game. those who do, and have them in rank 7 are in a weird position where things need moving to make rank 8 work.


BN is already a demo

I think that a this point Cr3 should get a entierly new hull. Making it from 0 would probably give ability to optimize everything. Weight, armor, crew compartment, cooling, engine, suspenison ect. But MOD has no money for it.