Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

But which one though?

I just slapped here random 30mm apds

All are wrong :D

Should we just take the average for all 30mm APDS ammo in game?

We also sadly don’t know which 127mm heat charge they used for the ROMOR test (I suspect a T-72 munition because other than that I can’t think of any 127mm heat)

Think based on the timeframe a BMP-2 would be my first guess

SO 82 same as BMP3, most 30 apds goes around 90mm pen in the game

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You know
Warrior has 110

Yes I know, but let’s first conservative 😅 do you have a second source that’s says VARMA has protection against 30mm APDS? Because then we could start with a bug report

If finding anything about varma was easy i would have done so.
Also we need a clear proof Cr1 had it, i do not have one

Is it 125mm or 127mm? If it’s the former then it’s an eastern HEAT round. If it’s the latter it’s either:
A 125mm HEAT round and they’re just saying it’s 127 because of two reasons: 1. They mis-measured it. 2. They’re throwing off the russian government for stealing info about their equipment.
Or it really is a 127mm HEAT round from a naval gun or something.


Got a source for that

Chieftain with an Imperial duck ton of ERA when?

Do you want to do the bug report then?

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Not yet,
@duckmartin is typing something, and he has a decent book collection
Also we need paper proof Cr1 carried VARMA, i do not have that, yet i hope

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Unfortunately lads all those sources are useless because back in the day we tried to get challenger Mk3 add-on armour protection values increased but to no success because essentially gaijin told us there usual stuff not enough sources and all there usual bs.

But you could try again and see what happens who knows ??


Yea, but do we have even a single thing that states Mk3 used varma? That and we are rolling the machine

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Will this be enough?


Does the AVRE have ROMOR? In game I mean.