Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

How th did you survived that? 1-2 shots to remove your gun, 2 per track and then turret ring to finnish you. A new player i guess

Monke neuron no activate


Most average 2s38 player. Just aims for the most armoured parts of the tank.


In the course of his failed attempt at revenge, he took 2 crew, my barrel, engine & vertical drive.

I ran out of battery chasing him with MG before i started repair (i already made peace with the fact i wouldn’t survive this)

40 second repair later, all while he’s still shooting me from point blank, i just pop one into his side after he change position to that little hill.

Genuinly have no idea how i survived that.

Ive been killed by a single 30mm from a Ka50/52 going through my mantlet before.

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I will be honest, with what we got in M1 hull and MANPADs, i lost all the optimism when it comes to Cr2 blog. I have a Bad feeling it will be another assumption fest.


@l2ulan made a bug report about ready rack

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its just gonna be wild justifications on why tank bad

Well, the Centurion mk 3 that is in a museum has a 200mm mantlet, so we assume the CR2 has the same thicness.


Exactly my worries, they’re putting out these devblogs to justify why that aren’t making changes, CR2 is next


Oh god, you are right, it is next on the chopping block


If it was good news they would just implement the changes

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That is very true. Though we all knew that was never gunna happen, at least, not fully

Just hope, it’s all we got. Just keep the hope and copium up and we may have something usable. It’s all I have left, please just keep the copium comming.

Yep, and I think they’ll learn to fear the British if they screw us over much more. They already a nearing a riot with their MANPADS post and recent Abrams stuff

Just looked into future using my crystal ball…

We have read all available documents and information provided including photographic evidence. The (experts) here at gaijin HQ have come to the conclusion that the challenger 2s mantlet armour is actually 50mm thick. We’ve come to this conclusion because… Well we can so in the following update we’ll be reducing the protection levels in this area. I hope this dev block has cleared up how we do things here at gaijin.


a normal day in British.


Too similar to Legwolfs. Irritating that his didn’t show up until I posted it.

No need to worry, the good thing is that whatever was in your report, that was not in Legwolf report will most likely be taken from yours and added to the “internal” report that was made the moment Legwolf report was passed. Your report touched the number of shells in a ready rack, that was also did in another bug report, but it should be added to the internal.

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The worst outcome is that according to our Gaijin official investigation from SRL4026, the CR2 protection level is: Turret: 500KE
Body: 300ke, same as CR1
We will fix this error in the next update
(All CR2s including CR3ATD)

If they do that with SRL, it will be the last shot in the foot before another review bombing. It will be like having a test to see if Volkswagen Golf can drive 40kph and saying it passed. Does it mean that the Golf can drive at least 40? Yes does it mean it can drive up to 40? No
Also SRL is a pre production thing, what has changed since then we do not know.