Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

To be expected :(

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I’m trying to request an anti-aircraft gun


Looks nice anti air

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now i’m broke again GJN wise


Do you carry any HESH? I’ve recently been experiencing this myself and was told that carrying HESH makes any and all rounds in the turret able to explode.

it does it already with just APFDS i think

That shouldn’t be the case they fixed it a long time ago for Brit apds and apfsds in the turret bustle wouldn’t cause ammo rack unless the bug has returned. Though any more than what’s in the turret bustle and ready rack the game can’t distinguish between charge and apfsds. Take like a maximum of 25 apfsds on CR2

I heard from some people it still around could be wrong

Been ammo racked multiple times in my chally mk3 while grinding it out. I’ve had hesh on this entire time but I’ll stop brining it and see if that changes it. If not I’ll let you know.

Friends, I am happy to inform you that India has completed the development of LT Zorawar and now it has entered to trials.
Here are the requirements for how it should be. And what they got out of it, we’ll find out later

This is the best contender top tier light tank for british tech tree

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birthday cake?

I mean in Chally 1 my tank detonated without and HESH in so.

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I don’t even think they have the two seperate ammo stowages modelled for Hesh and APFSDS, if you take 21 APFSDS and 2 Hesh it still shows up as all APFSDS in the rear XD

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It has them irl, but it is not modelled in game, so the shells go to racks by the order they are set in the game. Like in all tanks

Does it in the Chally 2 as well, I don’t use hesh and I reasonably often get ammo racked

Any of you talented folk out there making any skins for the OES?

If it is true and all rounds in the turret can cause an ammo rack, with or without hesh loaded. Then why don’t they just make all the apds heads not counted as ammo, as in just remove them from the ammo table or just remove them outright. It may not be realistic but I would prefer working and accurate tanks over some cool interior modelling. Would actually allow us to use the advantage 2 stage ammo gave us. Plus HESH should be non explosive as well since plastic explosive, depending on the type, isn’t pressure or temperature sensitive.

Short OES Story.

I see T80UK, I Kill T80UK

Same Player sneaks up on me in 2S38.

After a minute of attacking me point blank, taking out 2 crew & numerous modules, I start a 40sec repair.
He continues to shoot point blank.

I repair

Post battle sitrep

Challenger stronk.


Someone is enjoying his OES

It has its rare moments where it does well.