Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

LoL My trust in Gaijin is as low as it gets and I’m not surprised they did this


If it is such a coding issue for them to make the apds rounds in the turret non explosive why don’t they just not model them as rounds? It wouldn’t show in the X-ray but it would at least stop us from being ammo racked by inert sabot heads. Could even do this for other 2 stage tanks and would eliminate the problem their having.

Sorry it wont be able to be used to buff RU vics so no.

I do forget sometimes, these are British vehicles were on about. The chances of us getting even the wrong looking engine deck fixed is minimal at best. Can’t wait for the disappointment gaijins gonna be rolling our way soon.

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Nah most likely it sits at 600mm/1000mm

I just realised i might be a frequent poster on this topic


I can’t wait for them to make this dev blog with no more than three of the issues (the smallest issues mind you), explain using russian sources why the challenger 2 is bad because one was destroyed in Ukraine meaning the mantlet is actually only 5mm thick then decide to nerf the reload speed because of 3 piece ammo


I dont think it will be that bad, but i do not expect any good news after last 2 blogs…


My expectations are extremely low so at least i wont be disappointed, probably

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I have dreams and hopes

I see, a UK main mindset. I have the same, but sadly i rised my hopes a little when they announced that. Mistake on my part

Yeah we seem to get shafted every update except this one, still waiting for the light tanks to be added, but hey at least we got some sub-par south african ones :/

Well, i find the Rooikat 105 decent, sadly most of them are meh at best.

i think the MTTD and Rooi 105 are both good light tanks, just the issues of wheeled vic mobility make them suffer

I find DM23 a little too weak. Its not bad but…

The rooikats are nice but my main problem is the fact they added south africa to fill out the light tanks for the UK but they refuse to add actual british ones.

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Look at what we are missing out on, the universal carrier with a 2 pounder


Oh no, the WoT thingy, well that would be a nice rat tank around 2.0

Naaa barely see ya

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We did not get a Cr3 camo, but we got a Tog II brick wall (hot tog II when?)



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