Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Well, as long as they tweak the gear ratios right im fine with it. The gears (at least 6 of them forward and 2 backward) had irl values and the chally was in tragic state, lack of regenerative was doing it wrong. After the tweaks it is much better, but gears are now different from their irl variants. Im fine with it.

Limitations due how the game is made. Nothing will be done about it, as it is impossible in game to diffirentiate dart from charge.

Ah, and i need to inform you, that the screen you put in the report with gear ratios is outdated, now they are different

Ack, I’ll remove it then. Thanks for the heads up.

I posted the new ratios, but do not do anything with them, they were changed to compensate for lack of regenerative, and it helped a decent bit

Ok, I’ll remove reference to the screenshot.

Another thing, i assume you used this
for engine, sadly the torque is not modelled in game, (warnin, illogical part) and this datasheet does not apply to 9a, but to 8a, that failed to reach the 1500 so 9a was made to do so, but 9a is yet to reach 1500, so the 1500 stats are speculation and calculations, that apply both to 8a and 9a that both produces 1200hp, while having this data true to them at the same time. To sum up, it is not to the 9a, but can be used as a data to it, as it is what it is supposed to be.


I did reference that, thank you again.

Well, keep it there and keep using it. Do not remove it as this is the only source that gives us 1500 data.

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Will do. Also would it be possible they’ve instead tampered the gearing and number of gears of these tanks to model loss of power when changing gears, rather than to compensate for lack of regenerative steering? I presume the TN54E epicyclic transmission is a bit more efficient in that regard compared to say, the HSWL 354 of the Leopard 2 - considering it is a decade newer. So they could have buffed her gear ratios in-game to help model that better efficiency? Purely speculation.

They model power loss when changing gears since thats whats been causing a lot of issues with the Challengers I believe, but perhaps they can’t change what amount of power is lost when changing each gear. So instead, they just added more gears to compound the effect and also changed around the gear ratios. Otherwise it feels a bit unfair to have the Chally 2s gear ratios buffed to provide her better mobility to compensate for lack of regenerative steering, when other tanks aren’t.

Well, idk what that would give us. It was already jumping up and down with gears, that caused it to lose enough speed. Modeling power loss would not help that any way unless im missing something.

Feel like the actual graduation distances on max zoom are shorter though? Or is that just an optical illusion resulting from the extra thickness of the lines?

Well, it is not a pure regenerative compensation. The CR2 was losing and still does lose a lot of power during turns. Before the gear change when you tried to turn while driving, you would lose all the speed and turn at 7kph with gears going up and down, causing jerking. That is what the ratio tweak somewhat fixed

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It’s Christmas eve and im so hammered i can’t feel legs, my gaijin please fix the challenger 2

Sorry to say this, but no amount of % drink will fix the Chally.

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I hope for a very merry Christmas to you, although I doubt you’ll need it from the sounds of it.


Dont worry, he will read this in like 8h with enormous head pain, wondering what happend.

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Well, i should probably also say it, Merry Christmas everyone :D



Headache CONFIRMED :(

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