Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

That is a good point, however, I was mostly referring to the fact that the image dosen’t actually seem to provide much useful information for us. I don’t see why everyone is making such a big deal of it.

It may not show anything new, but because we cant confirm its safe to share…

Unfortunately, even if the photo passes the review and can be made public on the forum, there is still no strong evidence to prove the missing armour rotor inside the gun shield armour.
Although I checked the pictures given to me by some well-informed people to find out the general model of the lack of armour, it does not seem to help in improving Challenger 2 in the current game.

Hello, hijacking the thread for a second to share this!


Now my suggestion:




Found an old unlisted vid of mine from 4 years ago.

I cant believe 4 years on, and its still the same.


Tyler Hynes Hynies GIF - Tyler Hynes Hynies Sweet Carolina GIFs


Everyone I’ve spoken too who plays Britain has exactly this feeling, especially when it comes to the mid tiers shAtterPDS rounds.

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Had a guy try and explain to me how apds is amazing and does great post pen damage. All in an argument about the t55am and how it’s obviously better than most other 8.7s at its br. He then said the chieftain mk 5 is better because it has more pen, more post pen damage, better mobility and better armour…… don’t know where he’s getting any of this but okay lol. Last thing apds is is reliable or damaging.

Perfectly encapsulates the rework and how most of us feel.

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Chieftain APDS is fine though.

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The icing on the cake for that video would be right before it ended, if a LGB landed on you.

Clearly never played the t55-am 1lmao it’s in a different league in comparison, apfsds, laser range finder, atgm for helicopters, 12.7mm roof gun, better cheek armour and better mobility lol its nor even comparable especially on long range maps.

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It’s the only apds that works. However long range the t55-am1 has a huge advantage with the laser range finder

Long range?
Sister, we’re in war thunder.


As they say, time flies when you’re having fun…

Man what crack has this guy been smoking

And this is before we consider irl, where availability was more like… 30%

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Sorry on the 1 in 20 long range map you might play lol

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I should record a new one for when that happens. because as we all know, it’s happened.