Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

There is no point arguing about this, gaijin has said it is currently classified in their books, therefore its against the forum rules to post, or talk about it.

Yes, it was challenger 2 documents i believe :)

If someone wants to FOIA it and it turns out in a month its okay then you can post away. But until then;


Has anyone had the idea of asking the guy on twitter where he got the picture from?

You really like that picture eh? xD

Photos taken on MOD property are protected by the Official Secrets Act and if not posted by an official source it cannot be guaranteed to be okay. I’m going to just lock the thread if this continues.


Yeah fair, hopefully people here will understand it.

Here is another Challenger 2 photo, maybe people here may like it and focus on that



I think ive said shut up about it enough times…

whilst you are there you could get a suggestion mod to look at mine :))))

Right I’ve put in a FOIA, you can all sit tight for 30 days. I will let you know the outcome until then DO NOT POST IT.


All hail gunjob


4 games in a row where my deaths have been 1 shots to the upper mantlet wiping out the entire turret crew. Can’t even hull down because you can be 1 shotted before your gun is even above the terrain to shoot back…



Roger Roger

Its the holy grail.

The chosen one.

No one here can be the messiah, we’re just very naughty boys.


Just like in Indian Jones, if you drink from the wrong holy grail you die.

Does the picture even show that much? its still up on twitter and honestly I dont think its anything revolutionary lol

It’s more to do with the fact it was a photo taken on a military base when it was (potentially) not authorised.
I don’t know how that could be compromising, but I’m assuming it may very well be until I hear otherwise.

Needless to say, I’d rather not have to explain to the authorities.

General public could plead ignorance when sharing it.

We’re all enthusiasts here, on a game forum that has specific rules to prevent security sensitive data being shared.

We can’t really plead ignorance when it’s been stated that it potentially breaks security sensitive data laws.

Ignorance of the law provides zero protection. In the UK under the OSA you are obligated to report and return any classified materials to the MOD or Police along with the details of how you came across them.


I know the mantlet thing is considered finished in the rework by Gaijin (even though literally nothing changed) but are all the other reported changes also considered “complete”? Because primary sourced improved roof armour and lack of spall liners in the hull just seems like a completely malicious lack of action.