Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)


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@Smin1080p since it is now officially on the dev server (i know subject to change) but could you ask the devs if they can provide any sources on why the backingplate is aluminium and if they are aware of the bug reports regarding the thickness of the backplate that were passed. It would be a shame if the armor rework is just done as per the devblog without taking into account the loads of bug reports that were created in response to it


@Fireball_2020 I don’t know why this place can be penetrated

@Fireball_2020 The mantlet on the right has a higher KE than the mantlet on the left. The KE below the rotor is too low and illogical. Everything is mixed up

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It has it? I don’t understand

ASPRO itself is composed of the ERA and Passive armour…

The solid part is only 300-400

Isn’t it 200 in game?

it said 200 but the The actual thickness of the model is 300-330


Oh ok good

It should be 70(56°) + 30 + 300-400 + 50 How close are we to that in game.

Unable to penetrate

Can penetrate

however, in the protection analysis, it is 30+30+30+200

I believe the reason Mantlet has a thickness of 300-330 is because I compared its thickness with Hull

Yes, trunnion pins and their locks

The trunnions aren’t included anywhere on the modelling? Not even as part of the gun?

RUS MBT have

Nope, they were missing before and are missing now

The ammo changes are interesting

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Blow out pannels are red
and Cr3 does not have them (as it should)