Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Put it inside? This rotor looks a bit too big.

It was part of the original plan to rework the DM, but there is a report to counter that. So which direction their going for sure yet I don’t know.

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Lets hope they know their left from right (god i hope TES is made worthwhile)

Off topic, but what’s happening about your BOL report?

Thanks. Thought so as it’s something that would happen with gaijins spaghetti code. I almost feel bad for anyone who has to delve into such unfathomable depths.

It remains open.


Yes it should have rotor pins modelled.

It uses a different method to CR2

At least the challenger rework is here i guess…

Hopefully, could just stay on the dev server

No by that i mean, if we take that L30 also has the same gun mounts as L15, they would go there, and the trunnion holes would not be there from the outside.
we take this

we assume L30 also has those
so they go inside. If that is true, then
the holes in the trunnion are covered from the outside
Now on the Cr2 the covered part is on the inside

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If its not updated with new parts of the rework on future dev server updates, it better stay there even with the update.

I’d rather have it late than have half the armour missing

I think it should be:

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Yep, I’m hoping for Part 2 dev server for this update

Well the last one had quite a lot of dev server updates, this one should have less probably, but with the ARH missile test we might get a lot.

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yeah i also thought it was the wrong way around
i mean we do know what the gun looks without the trunions but that doesnt really help us

it may not be around at outside, but internally it must be

If the mantlet needs to accommodate this huge rotor, it means that the mantlet in the game is too small

Yes, that thing is too small


You can see where it should be in this screenshot as well.