Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Dozer is waste of weight and the brimstone launcher won’t do much looking at the current implementation of hellfires and spikes where there a buggy mess

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Well, they are likely to be a buggy mess as well, unless snail decide that mmv seeker will hit things

Leak list called it OES 2018 I think

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Interesting. I will use that well

Got excited seeing a prem chally 2 announced.

Remembered the pain of playing the TT chally 2s.

Sad again.

Chally 1s have better hull down survivability in game IMO.

If they fix the CR2s & this prem one comes in ‘fixed’ I may be tempted.

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While Cr1 turret cheeks are pennable, the turret profile is smaller and the gun mantlet is also a small target, making it harder to kill





properly the one we would get after the LEP

If Gaijin is indeed going to add Rank 8, can we deduce that the Chally 2 LP is coming? Or is there a more modern Challenger 2 than the current ones?

Its most likely the Lep due to clip holds 6 rounds the CR3 is not even out yet and Streetfighter 2 has a brimstone which they aren’t adding into the game yet

There are two challengers. However, it is unlikely to appear in this update.


Especially if its rank 8

Front looks good.

Back of that turret looks like it was an afterthought.

It’s more likely to see this Challenger 2 LEP which would essentially be a copy-paste with a slight change in the weapon’s appearance. Therefore, Gaijin could add several identical tanks in a single update, like the possible T90…With the new turret of the Challenger 2 LEP, they could release, a month later, an armor upgrade kit or the option to research and purchase a new turret

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Just played a match to remind myself the pain of the CR2s in game.

Other than the usual, slow, heavy, not so mobile behemoth…only saw 2 tanks the whole match, enemy had 3 SU25s, 2 Helis and 2 Drones up at once.
Had to abondon my hulldown position and hide amongst buildings to avoid being free rp for casRB players.

Buying the premium CR2? Hard no, DOA.


Given we don’t know the armour effectiveness I think they can just change the current turret composition from Dorchester 2I to D-Technologie armour as is found in the later leopards if it happens to be an issue. Given it is upgraded by Rheinmetall BAE Systems Land it should be at least equal or better.

The armour should be good given C-Technologie armour on the Leopard 2A4 can reach 900mm KE thickness on the loaders side of the turret.

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Imagine adding a premium TES which inherits the incompetant implementation of the ch2’s gearing and thinking it’s a good idea.

Playing top tier, and watchign BVM’s drive around like goddam go carts and you get this lumbering piece of shit which can’t even turn because the developers messed it up so bad and then just left it to rot. Well, it’s not a great experience.

When you do finally manage to trundle your way to the battlefield and put a shot into a BVM’s ammo carousel and it does sweet FA then he just turns and nukes you without even having to aim, well, it’s quite dishartening.

So yeah, I don’t go higher than 10.3 which is a shame and I’ve not even been playing that as they still haven’t fixed the stomer after breaking it 5 months ago. No rush or anything lads, not like it’s an important vehicle, I understand you have to adjust some aircraft’s radar by 0.0001 microns or find a NATO round to nerf based on very questionable data.



Wholly agree.

10.3 is my cutoff for brits, the CR1’s are more fun.

My line at the moment is CR1.Mk3, CR-DS, Marksman & Stormer.
Grinding the T90S for it currently. Hoping we get the Stormer AD soon™ so we have a good SAM/SPAA combo for that BR.


Get the Vickers Mk7. You will survive less things in it, compared to Cr1 (there are some docs that say its turret should have simmilar protection to Cr1, but we will se if ift goes somewhere), but it has L26 and it zooms around nicely.


Alo im going to laugh my ass off if the OES gets the armor fixes, while TT cr2 goes unchanged