yeah well, I’d need someone with a decent knowledge of RDX to prove that. I can’t prove that myself.
That said, I do know that L31 HESH had some sort of Wax and another composite within it, which I can only assume helps with the inertness.
Unfortunately I don’t have a name.
Oh trust me there are people that want newer propellents made inert. Making HESH inert under the pretext that it is RDX options a bad precedent for all RDX based HE shells. It’s not good for gameplay, even if you think it would be good for the Challengers.
Well, that would still require a few thing. First the tank has to have the RDX shell modelledin the model, and it has to be 2 piece ammo. If it is not modelled it changes noting, and if its 2 piece the propelant is still in there, so it would explode normally.
Tbf I get your point, shooting Russian tanks just for the ammo not to go off is never fun…… I just want the hesh rounds at least as it was a decision made irl to increase the survivability of the tank by having nothing in the turret that could go boom. And also make shit that does go off apart from fuel always go off when it turns black, adds far too much luck involved in the game even if it is unrealistic.
Guess what, the ammo bug is still here and I think it’s gotten worse. Just got ammo racked by a round that hit the ammo in the back of the turret. I’ve just had enough of this bullshit as they implement one update then the very next one they take it away. It’s a coin up if a feature is going to fucking stick with gaijin.
This was in the challenger mk3 as well witch we thought didn’t have the bug.