Challenger 1 MBT - Technical Data and Discussions

Dunno if its been discussed before, but the LFP on some CR1s seems to consist of multiple plates, unsure if this is due to some early production challys having a thinner plate, or due to up armouring that occured at some point.

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This might be related to the splash guard.

You can see how it has a welded base here

Challenger 1 (All) - Ready rack is far too small

I think this might have been reported previously, but we have a primary source to confirm it now.


@_David_Bowie i was looking at some things and in the Jane’s Armoured Fighting Vehicle Retrofit Systems 1993-94 i found this
Is it the same Sprite as in the Cr2, Vickers Mk.7 and TIALD?
It also outputs to the 625 lines


I have already reported this too.

Technically, CR2 and CR1 use the same thermal.

The fire control sensor suite for the Challenger 1 tank in the mid 1980s used thermal imager based on the then-new TICM 2 module, mounted in a barbette on the side of the tank’s turret, and elevated using a servo system to follow the gun. The Nd:YAG tank laser sight (TLS) originally developed for the Chieftain was mounted on a cradle at the gunner’s station and linked mechanically to the gun.

The Challenger 2 system used essentially the same thermal imager, mounted on the gun barrel to simplify the system and assure best possible boresight to the gun; and the TLS was replaced by a high performance visual gunner’s sight with integrated laser rangefinder and 2-axis stabilization



For love of god gajin don’t nefr the Cr2 thermals buff the cr1 ones


@_David_Bowie Here is the page from the Harrier GR.7 manual which mentions the thermal image quality from the 2nd Generation Starting Array sensor to sometimes provide worse image quality than the achieved by the SPRITE sensor. Hopefully you can use this to help demonstrate that SPRITE should not be considered equal to other Gen 1 thermals in game?

If needed I can also dig out a British trials report which notes CR1 thermals being of significantly higher quality than those of the m1 Abrams (and other tanks with gen 1 thermals).

Experimental smoke dischargers tested on chally 1


This isn’t true.
You can bring full sabot and they will still explode.

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Well that can be reported.

It was, over two years ago and closed by trickZZter as NOT A BUG and then reported multiple times since and are still left sat there.
Believe the most recent is 5 months ago. Acknowledged but but no change.
But yes ammo type doesn’t matter. In our testing we found that any of the vertical racks in the turret (including the bits in the cheek) would explode regardless of ammo type. The horizontal sabot didn’t explode in our testing.


More smokes that even the israeli’s

There is one from 5 months ago and mine from 2 months ago

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I thought we came to the conclusion that the rest do explode but it’s random where as the 4 verticals sabots behind the left cheek will always explode when hit. And god damn that report was made a while ago as you said, how has no one looked at it. It seemed pretty in depth as to what the problem was.

This was also with a pure sabot and a split sabot and hesh loadout. Even though neither should explode on hit and the bag charges should either burn then maybe explode or not explode at all….

So a few things. Only shells with HESH model explode in Chiefs Cr1 and Cr2. Darts are a bug. HESH should not explode, as it is filled with plastic explosives. Charges do burn slowly but they will explode after some time, and the crew would leave immediately, so in game it is exploding instantly.

All the vertically aligned ammo in the turret (including the ones in the cheek and the one horizontal one on the left wall) explode upon being shot currently regardless of what ammo type you have.
The only ones that do not explode are the ones which are horizontal at the back of the turret.
Tested on CR1 about three days ago.

When you was testing did you have and hesh loaded at all, even just one that had been fired already? Or was it just apfsds exclusively?

Ammo type does not matter, as long as the shell is in that certain spot it explodes.

And the tests we did showed that the 4 ready rack rounds behind the left cheek explode every time. Their apds and it’s instant detonation. The charges do slowly burn then explode but they are also in a charge bin which acts as a somewhat container which would allow for it to go off without blowing up the entire tank. If other tanks can have lower ammo detonation rates because of wet storage (when that one dev said Russian tanks have wet storage) then we should get that as our charges explode in contact with dust.