Cas spam in Ground RB ruins entire match

Take a look ur self, im not doing screen shots on my tiny tablet, im just joining in the discussion while taking a break from WT


So am I on my cellphone, which I expect to be smaller than your tablet.

Both EddieVanHalo and you have more posts in here than I do btw.

EddieVanHalo claims that moderation mercilessly cracks down on TO-supporters by shutting down their spam topics trying to take a martyr-role, which was easy to prove wrong by linking 12 open whining topics from this month alone.


But im not anti cas or am i TO

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I am not anti-TO, I am just against bad argumentation.


Im about bad implementation

In my personal experience the worst aspects of CAS are its ability to serve as a cheap revenge tool and its use as guided ammunition (kamikaze attacks), both of which could be easily fixed.

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I feel people get blinded with saying “Remove all planes from ground battles” or other people say “You’re just bad at using SPAA/fighters”. Everyone sees this as just black and white. But from what I see these are the fruits of a bigger issue, it shows how unbalanced the game is and where you see Gajin putting their effort into new top tier vehicles. The issue is they add vehicles without giving it a counter, like when getting a new CAS aircraft their should be a equal counter like a SPAA or fighter.


Or maybe just have a place for pure tankers to be and then the whole combined mode will balance itself out?

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How ?

Find any pro-CAS topics that survived for longer than 30 minutes.

As I have posted above, it is easy to find dozens of unmoderated open topics whining about CAS within a few minutes. So no, I don’t need to get my head examined, but you seem to need a reality-check.

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I’m asking you .How? You state you hate bad argumentation so show us the quality of your argumentation.

How ?


This topics are getting closed due to their ‘pov’ being already discussed in other topics.

There were anti-CAS topics closed too ;) (not even mentioning ones that get hidden)

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Exactly ,moderators are not closing down repeated topics on this forum? Since when?

Gaijin dont care about balance and realistic, all they care about is getting new players to spend money if they wanted to change there business model they would have to creat a different game or sequel like CoD . This is just me saying how it is


By bad argumentation I mean arguments that can easily be disproven or an approach to the game based on expectations that were never supported by any advertisement done by the devs.

As for the revengebombing: a removal/nerf of the killcam and forced runway spawn would prevent or at least delay revenge. Nerfing rewards, if an aircraft crashes within 5 seconds after scoring a ground kill would discourage suicide bombers.

@ULQ_LOVER in the examples I listed earlier there are at least two topics complaining about first spawn helicopters, thus being exact duplicates. Still no moderation took place.

Also please link an open pro-CAS discussion that justifies new topics being closed as “duplicates”.

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I think You misunderstood what I have said.

‘pro-cas’ topics are being closed as there are already topics that discuss the agenda of the topic.

The topic doesn’t have to be ‘pro-cas’ in order for ‘pro-cas’ people to discuss things related to ‘pro-cas’

Ok, I might have misunderstood that, but still the anti-CAS posts, which are also mostly the same across the board are allowed to exist simultaneously, while they could be merged into three topics:

  1. CAS is too powerful/needs a nerf/rebalance
  2. TO-mode
  3. First spawn helis
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But that is for moderators to decide.

As again, there were already anti-cas posts that got hidden and closed.

And still there are many that are allowed to exist at the same time, while being in violation of the forum rules by being duplicates.

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I like it better over having two big topics that are tossed away as not important.

Many more voices can be heard and the problem can’t be tossed under the rug.

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