CAS only mode (poll)

My original post is still not incorrect, considering it was a direct response to the comment from OP about people being able to roleplay as bombing targets which I very much correctly pointed out exists already and it’s called ground and naval and you do not have the choice as a ship or tank player.

But please how dreadful that as a Highly Skilled CAS player that you need to get a single assist, a scout assist, a cap rush or fear it be, a kill to be able to spawn CAS. My heart goes out to you CAS players, with such a high barrier it’s as if they are trying to remove CAS from the game altogether.

Also it’s funny you bring up “conditional”, considering that the largest condition enforced on anything is on ships and tanks and that condition is they have to suffer being live RP pinatas for CAS.


You 2 stop arguing about nothing, im sure you both want an enjoyable experience with WT

CAS does fine in air RB & SB.

You should be careful spouting radicalistic rhetoric like that around here.

No such mode exists in WT where you roleplay as bombing targets.
If you’re consistently dying to CAS, that’s a lol.

CAS is OP; doesn’t mean the fiction you stated exists.


A game mode for CAS where it is entirely PvE (similar to heli PvE) where you take part of a large offensive operation against various targets could be interesting and I would support it.

However we have also seen how heli PvE has turned out.

Just think about it, CAS and SPAA only, sure would be a good way to balance and grind it all

Why, we’ve got GRB for this. Besides, they tried this for Helis and it was so bad, they had to introduce a way to more easily research helis that did not involve heli EC

GRB is a terrible way to stock grind ground attackers. Small unguided weapons are shit at higher tiers.

Or the actual story, that you can’t accept that what I said in response to OPs comment is objectively true.
Also bonus points for the typical CASoid rhetoric of pretending as if I have never and do never play CAS.
Additional points for the CASoid rhetoric of pretending that getting bombed isn’t incredibly common and creating fictious strawmen about people sitting in the open in fields.

You are a very sad man.

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I thought planes suck in naval RB because of how nuts the AI AA gunners are?

You don’t even know what we’re talking about do you? This isn’t about GRB. You getting pounded in GRB isnt relevant. The idea is that playing stock weapons in GRB isn’t good, so maybe there could be a PvE mode. You pretend that GRB is just somesort of PvE for planes, when thats simply not true. Get a grip on reality.

From my limited experience in naval RB it is far less of a problem compared to ground RB, the AI gunners are good alright but suicide bombers can still get through. Not sure about at the very highest of tiers for naval.

I know exactly what is being talked about, are you intentionally playing dumb?
I’ve stated about four or five times now that I directly responded to a comment made by the OP and was entirely relevant and related to what they said.
I know reading is difficult, but do try.

I love playing CAS, and I love shooting down CAS.


Over 90% of my deaths are other tanks.
Air is so few of my deaths that I can remember the last time I died to what vehicles.
Rooivalk/G-Lynx, 4+ days ago on Sevrsk.
Corsair, yesterday.

CAS is OP; however they have to see YOU, specifically YOU in order to kill you.
If you make it difficult for them to see you over your friendlies, you’ll die less to said OP CAS.

Neither of us should be insulting other players just cause they play CAS.


So even if we are to assume your ass-pull statistics are credible, your argument would then just boil down to “if it doesn’t happen to me, it doesn’t happen”.

Also can we please drop this false pretence of “yeah just don’t let CAS see you”.
As I, and other anti-CAS players have pointed out, we do play CAS too. We know how absurdly easy it is to spot ground targets even when they’re trying to hide in a forest or something alike because foliage just derenders before tanks do, and even then tanks just naturally stick out on the battlefield and you know they’re stuck in a tiny sandbox so you know where to be looking. There is only so many places you can realistically attempt to hide and CAS can view from many perspectives.
Also I thought CAS was supposed to stop people camping, yet you CAS apologists suddenly try to tell everybody to go camp as soon as a plane appears. So which is it? And god forbid you’re engaged with the ground battle and have to deal with ground targets, should everybody just hide under a tunnel pass the moment CAS spawns and shit their pants?

I’m really tired of the disingenuous arguments from CAS apologists, and I’ve entertained your gaslighting too much already. This video is applicable to you.


I read it not as a way of giving stock bombers an alternative to spade. But as a way of getting rid of them from ARB. So that even fully spaded, air main wanting to play something like Tornado would be forced to play a gamemode like heli EC.

Sir, learn to read.

This is me stating the opposite of your fake quote.
And if people saying "CAS is OP’ are “CAS apologists” to you then you’re more pro-CAS than everyone else I’ve come across.
No one’s trying to gaslight you.


That video you posted also helps my points, and confirms what I’ve been saying about CAS.
And no, I’ve never in my life “gaslit” people. Being told you are wrong is not gaslighting. NO ONE is crazy for being wrong, to claim that people are would be gaslighting.
Which means… you’re trying to gaslight every person that makes a wrong statement.

Watch this video I mostly agree with, it proves everything I said correct; you even linked it.

By the way, I’ve mostly defended USA. You claiming USA is “Russia” is hilarious.
Me: “T-80BVM’s UFP CANNOT be lolpenned.”
“Ka-50 is a good helicopter.”
“Deliberately aiming for ammo cooks ammo off consistently.”
You: “Those are braindead takes. Everyone is wrong!”

Dude, stop with the lies.
Stop defaming every single person that criticizes Russian military equipment.

Me: “T-80BVM’s UFP CANNOT be lolpenned.”
I have only ever stated that BVM’s UFP is stronger than all ammo in WT while Relikt is present and stand by that factual statement.

All my posts about Ka-50 are about it being good; and worse than superior helicopters.
Is F-4J worse than F-16A? Yes. That doesn’t mean F-4J is bad.
Me: “Ka-50 is good.”

I’ve never gaslit and never will.

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