CAS does not belong in a GROUND RB match

…what possible relevance to this thread do the dakis have, then?

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No I don’t want CAS to be removed. I want people who like CAS to be able to play with CAS and people who don’t want to play with CAS to be able to aswell.

In game description

In game website description:

On the same website as previously.

So simply said: realism is in the game.

Which is not gonna happen whatsoever,…

The game is realistic, it is not however historically accurate. Y’all need to stop conflating the two. Gaijin has and always markets this game with combined arms, as it is the only game of this scale to do so. It isn’t perfect but there isn’t a close competitor when it comes to that aspect.


To show this game isn’t “the most realistic online game”. RB even provides a 3D outside camera how is that realistic?

Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 20-07-21 CAS does not belong in a GROUND RB match - Game Discussion _ Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

You won’t win with them.

You can look up the threads talking about it, same people against the idea (You can look up them in the game and see why they are against it ;) )

My guy, it’s the same argument as if you go play Battlefield and cry that you get blown up by tanks and aircraft when you want infantry only combat.
Combined arms is the main selling point of the game, and you trying to disprove it is ridiculous.


have you not seen the videos of heli’s and VTOLs capping objectives

also you’re a hypocrite for telling people not to side talk, but then side talking about them yourself

Ahhh and here comes the one man army of Tank only mode,… which is again gonna explain to us how TO mode would help create a better Mixed Gamemode,…

Well anyways

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And in battlefield You have servers with only infantry to play in.

Said the same guy going in all threads saying that it can’t happen ;)

True, but this user somehow tries to debate that

hurr durr this game has pixels in in it’s not realistic therefore no cas in ground battles should be present.

His argument is very flawed.

If this thread annoys them like the daily whining about CAS I’m satisfied. Also I love how never adress that I’m not against CAS in Mixed RB I simply want a seperate gamemode for people who think the same way. They could just play like they do now but that’s too much for them.


Did it ever happenned? It have been trialed and we never seen it again since then,…

So no it is not gonna happen,… this have been buried to the earth center.

Satisfied to what? Ranting?

If there was a Tank Only mode then the people playing planes would choose Mixed RB. This way SPAA players can choose to play Mixed RB and be sure they actually encounter planes.

When? Please provide something

Which are all quite old, not to mention VTOLs and helis don’t exist at every BR.

And if memory serves, Gaijin removed that function over a year ago.

Either way, how is OP’s point somehow different from thousands of other CAS threads that are active, with a lot of people discussing the same thing? Why does everyone think that somehow their situation is different, that they deserve attention and everyone comes here with same old arguments, debating the same thing hundreds of times. Most of the people here argued with eachother so many times that they know what the other person is going to say before they say it.

Please just use other threads, no need to go in circles. You aren’t special, your issue isn’t unique.