I’ll have to check that then
People want to adress the issue which wasnt repaired despite many discussions so they create another one, nothing new
thousands of other CAS threads that are active
one man army of Tank only mode
Which one is accurate? As long as there are anti CAS threads there are people who want a CAS only mode.
The first thing people cry about when TO mode arrives are the campers. I promise!
But for peace in the community. TO-Mode! NOW!
Feel free to test it and get back to me.
Spawncamping is done by CAS a lot more than by tanks.
That’s an absolute lie lmfao.
Gee i wonder if this is not because tanks are forced into 1x1km maps on a single small point that makes it extremely easy for aircraft to pinpoint your location and get free kills.
It’s more of a map design and gamemode problem.
We can make an assumption that Maps are small to allow players to even have tank vs tank combat as I can get into the air with bombs for just capping a zone
And tanks still spawncamp better since they can sit still.
What has this to do with campers?
Which makes them much easier target, sounds You need to get better with tanks
That has nothing to do with small maps.
This is one of the largest maps and I didn’t even get to live 20 seconds. And people wonder why it’s not worth spawning after 1 death.
Increase in SP cost would stop such a thing. Apparently earning assists lowers the cost for such CAS.
Look how cheap that jet is with bombs, cost less with rockets. I believe I died once and only got a few assists that game. It should not be this cheap lol should be around 650is SP for just 2x 1000lbs which drops both instead of 1. That guy in your picture, shouldn’t be allowed to CAS for not doing much which is something I agree on. CAS should be well earned imo.
I wholeheartedly disagree with this statement when I can drive to an enemy spawn within 5 minutes and do more damage than an aircraft could. You know what would stop me from doing that (and has many times)? CAS.
As a primarily Ground RB player, I have mixed feelings about CAS.
On one hand, a decent CAS player when no enemy planes are up can get many kills, for example: Myself using the T18B, a 4.3 bomber I brought up to 6.7, getting 6 kills in one spawn, which is what people don’t like because it can turn the tide, especially if there’s multiple CAS planes up. Example 2: played a low tier match, only won because CAS killed all the enemies.
On the other hand, there’s suicide bombers which are extremely annoying because they have just enough spawn points, bomb you and crash, and then spawn in another tank.
I believe what’s being suggested here is ADD another mode, where there isn’t CAS, but still keep the current Mixed Battles Game mode.
Maps are small because they are ancient and also cater to a playerbase that wants to get into action immediately.
We desperately need bigger, better maps, new gamemodes, Ground RB EC that plays similiarly to an ARMA or a Wargame match would help solve a bunch of problems. But here we are, fighting Abramses in Berlin 1945, without any improvements.
It would only make problem with air larger
I can drive to an enemy spawn within 5 minutes and do more damage
You can counter a tank driving to your spawn. You can’t counter a plane flying to your spawn.
Gotta find me first in your tank at ground level though.