Only because of people like you forcing tank only players to play on your terms.
And we have preferred modes and vehicles. we want to play those preferred vehicles and mode without it being ruined by vehicles from another mode.
They aren’t vehicles from another mode. Read the mode description.
Show me in-game footage of a P-47 or G.91 capturing C point on the map.
Show me. I’ll wait.
Not vehicles from another mode.
War Thunder is a combined arms game.
Get with it or move along. Simple as.
Please explain. How is air RB combined arms?
A team with 1 tanks and 10 planes win defeat a team with 1 plane and 10 tanks every time. Just because they can’t capture points doesn’t mean they don’t dominate they game. Also there are gamemodes that are won based on kills in which planes are even stronger.
You’re telling me you don’t see the ground AI? That counts under combined arms.
Air isn’t combined arms.
Naval isn’t combined arms.
Only Ground is combined arms.
Show me in-game proof of CAS capping objectives.
I’m waiting.
How do you think that at all counts. They are simple ai cannon fodder for aircraft. If we were talking about those same ai planes in air RB being in grb then there would be no complaints.
Ground AI lmao. They are red dots that offer no gameplay depth. If you want to argue that way I also think there should be no ground vehicles in Air RB as well. No more AA camping would be a good thing.
I dont see a problem with cas. Yes i hate dying to su25 but its so easy to kill them. Without cas this gamemode would be boring. AA, helis, aircrafts have no use in the game. Maybe tank only gamemode would be nice but its kinda pointless since many playersl love to play anti air vehicles and cas.
Naval has player controlled air vehicles.
Then simply play Mixed RB and let the people that want to play tanks play Tank RB. Where is the problem? Why don’t people understand this
Simple fodder?
Many AI have actual DMs andfire back at player aircraft. So no, hardly fodder.
Also, they exist in the mode. It’s combined arms.
That get shot down before being able to interact with ships. How it should be.
I can count on one hand how many times I’ve died to aim in air rb
Have you ever played the Saipan map in Air RB? The US AI vehicles automatically win the game if the Japanese side does not actively stop them. A player on the US side can just hide from enemy planes and let his AI win the match for him if he is outnumbered.
Good for you. Irrelevant comment. You got anything else or are you ready to acept your L and move along?