CAS does not belong in a GROUND RB match


MCLOS on controller goes crazy when you get the hang of it

They aren’t, though.

You people have tried gaslighting about that for years and always fail. The tactic is so old and boring.


Have fun being able to protect ~3% of the airspace then.

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Hell, I want Russia removed completely from the game because Gaijin can’t be assed to balance the vehicles properly but that isn’t gonna happen. Neither is your TO mode.

So, adapt or move along. Simple as.

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No, he didn’t. When he was bombed the match just ended. No time to get a nuke.

Good luck doing anything with it in a modeset where the maps are large enough for players to completely ignore and evade spaa.

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It wouldn’t be brought up if it was finally adressed but instead CAS players want to force tank only players to play with them.

Of course the CAS (user) feels to need to correct a meme comment.

And here start the personal attacks. They always come from the same side.

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Actually SPAA wouldn’t be effective in Air RB


You fools always use those words.
CAS players.
Tank only players.

No, you absolute boneheaded git. There’s only War Thunder players. Just because your ilk choose to only use one vehicle type doesn’t give you the right to complain nor the right to make demands.

The rest of us are actually playing the game as intended while you are not. That’s not our problem; it’s yours. So either get with the program or get out. Simple as.


Why is it called “Ground RB” if ground vehicles aren’t deciding the game? It should be “Ground RB but only if planes decide they let you live”


True but you know we can’t have that, we can’t take away the free kills the cas players
Ofc they could just play the dedicated air combat mode but i feel like they want free kills and not be the free kill

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What are you talking about. There are air, ground, and naval mains. Not everyone plays every mode.

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It is called Ground RB, because the objectives are designed for ground units and they are the primary vehicle class for the mode.

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If you die to a plane check their Air To Air kills you’ll notice a pattern.

So you’re telling me CAS is capturing objectives? Show me.

Show me in-game footage of a P-47 or G.91 capturing C point on the map.

Show me. I’ll wait.

And they are all still War Thunder players.

We are all playing the same game.

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As soon as a plane spawns and decides they want to block your team from capturing points they can. No tank can clear a whole capture point by themself without being threatened at any point.