Consider that SPAAs have to deal with 4km range missiles at 8.0, little shits in their mi4s can pretty much just hover in place until planes come in to clean up the scum.
You could put mi4 to 10.0 and it would still only have to worry about other aircraft, it would affect it’s efficiency though as falangas are quite slow and most 10.0 ground vehicles are very fast.
There is no real solution to the helicopter issue. Would have been great if they were never even added to the damn game but since the big oopsie has already been committed, the only thing that could be done is nerfing the missiles available to various helicopters
Mi-24s only have 10x optical zoom to use ATGMs, maybe if you’re a giga-sweat with a 60in monitor with your face applied to the screen and on an open map like Sands of Sinai you might be able to reliably use the full range of Shturms.
idk about shooting one down with Oerlikon cannons tho, maybe on IRST platforms like the ZA-35 and PGZ09. Pretty much the Sergeant York/Bjork and other proxy fuse ammo are the only real threats to consider
It does ,again skill issue, you literaly can use a biplane only with air ammo belts to take out a heli, u dont need fancy missles as a result the spawn costs are low. If you arent even able to spawn a biplane, just get good
You can not currently first spawn planes. If your counter is that other planes should be used to balance CAS then they should be allowed to intercept so they can be preventative as that is what SPAA currently can not do.
you cant first spawn atgm helicopters either, which is the discussed problem here, in that case yes just skill issue, rocket pod helis can easily be taken out by any spaa or even roof mounted mgs
“Just played a 9.7 game vs a German Hind, which could sit back and spam Shturm’s with impunity.” is the topic post, I don’t know where you got first spawn helicopters from.
literaly what you complaned about, and i said planes area counter to atgm helis not missle pod helis, learn reading then u will understand complicated threads better, which u realy desperately need.
Spaas and even tanks can easily counter first spawn helis. But i know that is to hard for your skill lvl
No I don’t believe planes are a necessary counter towards helicopters but if your argument against CAS being strong is that a plane is necessary to balance it then I still believe first spawning should be allowed to intercept CAS.
Rocket rushing is not an overbalanced part of CAS, KA-50 damage models are just atrocious and Gaijin doesn’t know how to properly code the difficulty of flying a helicopter without a tail rotor that is capable of floating without spinning.
Yeah, just take my comment on an issue that persists in a br range where AA is perfectly capable of deterring CAS and post it somewhere else saying I don’t know what I’m talking about…
How am I deterred by a direct fire open top SPAA? I’m either too high for it to kill me or I’m using rockets to kill it then peeling off before I get in its range.
How is the autocannon of the Shilka meant to reach those ranges without the munition self detonating? Autocannons can usually only reach a certain range (usually 3km) unless we are talking about APFSDS or APDS which isn’t really a thing at those BRs for SPAA (9.7).
Sure, some SPAA have reserve APDS but that is in such little quantity it really just nullifies the use of them.
My main concern however is the A-4E and other vehicles similar to its performance, just got blown up from a A-4E doing orbital strikes with its balanced AGM-62s. I can tell you from experience this isn’t balanced at all, the amount of death threats I’ve gotten due to how overpowered it is will shock you.