Carpathians path to C Cap (is stinky)

Should this part of the map even be accessible at this point? From the Southern Spawn, the route to the C point has always been through that small valley, but, light tanks that spawn in the north can easily block this part of the map off (eliminating anyone who dares to go there) and back before the 2nd spawn was added, you could eliminate those light tanks by going south around the mountain, but now with the map boundaries having changed, that is barely possible. And unlike the southern valley to C, the valley on the north side of C has no place for anyone to avoid the Northern team from getting to C, this means almost assured Control of the C point provided that at least 2 enemy tanks go there. I think redesigning that part of the map is very neccessary because it requires no skill whatsoever.


The southern route around the mountain should just be made properly accessible. Having only one major and narrow route to the C cap is a bad idea and makes for boring gameplay.


You have the same situation for the northern spawn, with a similar small valley towards C: Block that exit, and C can only be accessed either via the long way in the east around the mountain range, or west of the mountain (which is under cover from the mountain range on the west). Quite similar for both teams.

Please PLEASE let them not take away some of the few last topographical features that allow for interesting and diverse tactics!

I actually like Carpathians very much, no matter which side I spawn.


They shouldnt have blocked off that entire south route, it was a stupid change honestly.

The way to win that map has always been the A cap and nothing else, but they’re just changing it so A is even MORE important, not less.

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They have?!?

Wow, haven’t played it in a long time apparently.

Too bad…

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Removing the bottom right area with the red crayon of anti-flanking was the dumbest decision on this map for this exact reason.
North team can be in position to pin down this choke point before south team can get there and unless you’re using a fast vehicle you can’t flank around the back for safe advance now.
Just more problems caused by the ever shrinking maps and the red crayon of doom.


The thing with the northern route is that you can only be shot at from the front but in the southern route you can be shot at from the side/top inside the valley and once you cross to C youre shot at from A (and from A you get a better angle at the Southern route than the northern route

Im making some ok-ish mockups of how the maps are so stick with me.
First we have the approximate location of the caps and the map boundaries.
Then we have the angles you can get shot at from the southern side, You are blue, red where you can be shot at from.
And here for the northern valley.
It really is stupid

It worked fine before they messed with it ,another good map ruined


You can hit C from the high hill on the otherside of the map

Don’t get my favourite flank removed, it’s one of the only fun ones left. Took the BMP-3 up there and got 7 kills at the start of a match

m109a1 against tigers its the best, just he rain

Thats the point bro, whats the point of having a path if theres NONE, ZERO, NADA way of getting through it, i mean you cant even outflank the flank anymore

tbf i haven’t taken that bottom route in over a year, i just sit at the sniping spot before the castle that overlooks C and B

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Yea its also what ill start doing, but it really sucks that the only way to get to C from the south is completely exposed to the castle and the north spawns, but its still better than getting shot in the sides i suppose

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You can hit everything emerging on c now

Why not randomly rotate all maps ,I mean literally rotate them 90 degrees 180 degrees etc ,put the spawn points in different places ,makes 4 maps from one

afaik u can use south border path still just not in a slow vehicle like t95 to avoid the 30 second countdown

Yep, you can just squeeze through the “return to battle” areas before the timer runs out in some of the fastest light vehicles, talking Type 93 fast here. But everything else is blocked off.

Please dont reduce this map more than it already has been.