Carpathians path to C Cap (is stinky)

the maps south side as a whole sucks and shouldn’t be your first priority, Capture the A point and hold the fortress and you can then cover B and C with a lot of ease

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Put the map back as it was.There was nothing wrong with it before.


Except keep the multiple spawns, those are such a good addition.

What are? The changes made to stop enemies sniping made the route to C impassable to anybody due to snipers.I don’t get you.
C as it was was almost a separate game of its own. Once taken and held then sure you could move to B from the side or enemy spawn.Now C is pretty much dead or a fools errand.
Choices removed yet again.

When they reworked Carpathians, they added 2 new spawnpoints, one for each side. It drastically cut down on spawncamping, and added a bit more to the gameplay.

Sorry if I wasn’t clear about that.

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Sorry lol …yes totally agree.
I wasn’t being funny just didn’t quite get you : )

I actually quite liked the initial Charpatians map when there were much less castle ruins on that hill and S hill had vantage point accessable by both sides.

Making southern routes out of bounds is just silly.