Canadian Ground Forces Tech Tree

Would those work independently without sub-trees?

From my POV both could, but Switzerland would appreciate one.
I’d name more countries but I don’t want to overload the chat again :P
If interested it could be talked about in DM, but not in here.

I see way too many BRs with only 2 or 3 tanks max.

You mean like lots of trees in the game? There are some that have more than a handful of BR with one vehicle max.

And besides BRs and suggestions are just that suggestions and are bound to change just as the change all the time in-game.

One or two trees have some existing lack of lineups, and I don’t bother playing them. BRs are fluid yes, I still just think Canada needs help for ground. I don’t want to be argumentative on this, I’m not saying I’m right, you’re wrong. But a tech tree with Australia and South Korea added would be really healthy. The more options the merrier right?

Australia/ANZAC I could see as a sub-tree. But SK no way in hell neither nation has the type of relation to do that.

Besides the aren’t any multinational trees just sub-trees. And that’s not looking to change anytime soon.

But Canada wouldn’t need that help it’s got a 5 lined tree up there. and no room for any other nation with this suggestion.

Yes, the relation is hard to justify. The only relation is that Canada and Australia/New Zealand were two of the larger contributors to aiding the South after USA and UK, and that in modern day Australia is starting to use some Korean military equipment.
I’m also just looking for a non-abrasive way to add South Korea. I don’t want to ever see another tech tree that starts at rank 4 or 5.

Canadian tech tree should be added to the USA tech tree

no independent or part of a commonwealth tree or the British tree


NO! I’ve gone over why far too many times.

A. ) the US has no room for a sub-tree nor need it.

B. ) Canada does not belong to the US. nor is there enough justification for it.
as the only American thing Canada uses is their planes everything else is domestic or some other nations. With all others were either bought for them by the British or built themselves under license.


I bet you just have these links ready on keybind lmao

properly got the whole response saved somewhere

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Discord. I’ve collected and saved the ones I think would be useful. and how they have been.

I started doing this haveing to use one like 3 times.


I could be missing it, but I believe the Sherman IB could be added, a 105mm Sherman which I know I read somewhere once Canada had used, but am now struggling to find it.

I found talk about The Sherman IB usage by Canada.
OntR Tanks of Second World War - The Ontario Regiment RCAC Museum.
and Here:

True and there is also the DD tank (d-day Sherman)

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Then it must be part of the Commonwealth tree

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Colony tree :/

It’s time to stop, a colony tree, really 🤣

That’s pretty much what a Commonwealth tree is is what I meant