Can you open the ingame chat already?

We wouldn’t have so many threads about this if the moderators could stop closing them.

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…and yet another reply showcasing why chat was disabled. You people really can’t seem to help yourselves.

…and again.

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I dont know about that, even knowing why they are closed still making more

Your not wrong, closing them only encourages people to make more of them, it’s human nature.

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Ah yes, a guy who have never brought politics in game before is why the chat have been disabled because he is pointing out at gaijin double standards only after the chat have been disabled
You are not even a clown at this point, you are the whole circus

While it wouldn’t stop people from making more articles about it, it would have a significant impact on the number of articles being produced.

I am pretty sure people tend to not look at closed threads

Flag it and move on, no point entering into a meaningless argument.

It would not be so bad but your find 1 poster comes along and ruins it for the rest and starts an argument

The game rules should be enforced instead of just flat out disabling the chat.

It happens, welcome to the internet is all I can say really.

The fault there would be on the moderators who shut down or deleted the previous threads, maybe you should talk with them.

People gonna talk when a game feature they paid for is removed without notification.




Agreed, they should punish the individuals and not the entire community but that’s not up to us to decide sadly.


Ok maybe you have reading problems. I have never talk about politics before
Even here was an example to shown Gaijin double standards
it was my first and last time and it still happen after the dumb decision of closing the chat for everyone

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Then get us some actual answers. You have no problem taking my money, but seem to have an issue when we politely ask questions. So sorry you have to do your job.

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It won’t be gone forever. I think it’s very dumb to remove it at all, but it will come back eventually.

I’m not an employee. I get no money from this.


First of all, I don’t care if you’ve never talked about politics before because even once is against the game’s rules. Second of all, I am not saying that you specifically got it disabled. People like you did though.

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Indeed it will eventually but the question will persist as to when it will and until it does people will still create articles about it.