It’s so frustrating that this is the world we live in, where simple bugs can be left in game for ages untouched because it doesn’t bring money to fix them. Why fix a bug when you can introduce a new premium for very little effort and make way more money off of it? Why make the game actually enjoyable to play when you can profit off misery?
sorry bro cant have your bug fixed gotta make an auction to get people’s money
sorry bro cant have your bug fixed gotta make an auction to get people’s money
Uh, so just for fun, I started using AS.20s… turns out they have trouble with their fuse too!
I had launched on him from 7 km, friendly got his wing before the AS20 reached him but I figured I’d still practice… woosh, right through him never detonated.
that is an incredible shot …
Thanks, I’m just bored. Nearly a year since the initial bug, pretty demoralizing when it comes to reasons to keep playing.
Yeah i was trynna use the meteor thats br 8.0 the mk8 tt one and its horrific.
The same br as mig15s, and F sabers is just ridiculous, got the G91 nords being useless in both a2a and A2G.
Air for me is pretty poor