Can we stop throwing bones to air abusers in ground realistic?

SP cost for aircraft with ordinance seems to have increase recently by quite a lot, right? i notice you NEED to play light tanks and scout in order to reduce it or perform relatively well with tanks, and capturing a base alone no longer lets people spawn fully equiped aircraft. Helis, in the other hand, are still the same as before.

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I can spawn with 2x 1000 lbs bombs and 4x rockets after just capping a zone

I guess it might the BR related then (or the kind of weaponry), because my A4E costs around 900 sp to spawn in 9.0+ matches.

Of course it depends on weaponary used.

Thing is, it used to be cheaper not long ago. Im not complaining, i feel its fine and should be like that for most CAS. I was just pointing out what i noticed at that br bracket.

Irrelevant, we are playing todays WT and now tanks out number planes


Based upon what data?

Players waiting to battle before you go into a match

At what BR?

It gives you a total

Fair enough, though that still doesnt necessarily indicate anything. Could be more people actually playing air, and as such, the matchmaker queue is faster.Its not actually a good data point.

Go check it out your self. I could be wrong


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Not bad concidering everyone hates toptier

I thought you said it was a total of all BRs?

I said it wrong my bad, was playing at the same time

Then using that method is highly impractical. someone did share a graph on the forums, I dont know if it was accurate or not, nor could i find it, but it did show nearly twice as many ARB matches as GRB.

In either case. War Thunder is an air, ground and naval game and where-ever possible they overlap. No gamemode or vehicle type should get priority over the others.

My point exactly

god egotistical people have ruined games across the board i wish i could snap my fingers and make the ps2 gamecube days back

So you are disagreeing because you don’t like the people who are pushing for a TO mode?

I judge the statement not the person making it .I don’t come here to have petty rivalries ,unfortunately many others do. Does make solving issues that much harder.