Can we remove crew lock already

It’s a straight up myth… Whilst you spam matches and unlock a vehicle fast, you’re not securing the win and making anything extra due to you being on the field for longer.

You can get 20 kills and still not secure a win, and being on the field for 1x 20 minutes isn’t any different than 2x 10 minutes aside from the fact the first 10 minutes are way more active, often free zone caps, no CAS, no spawncamping and a way higher RP/min in the first 10 minutes compared to the 10 to 20 minute period.

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The fact of people ODLing within the 5-10 minute mark makes the issue clear. The game runs for 25 minutes, not 10.

Hmm so I’ll provide an alternate perspective. I bring a lineup to every battle and I won’t run a lineup unless I have at least 3 vehicles I am comfortable playing with within a given BR (e.g. I won’t play 7.7 until I have 3, 7.7 vehicles unlocked, etc). All of the vehicles are different classes, light, medium, heavy SPAA or whatever.

I generally track my own statistics in a DB based on RP, SL, kills, Wins, Losses, map, map type, etc.

I have found that given the style in which I play that I lose 83% of battles that I spawn a second tank and I lose about 92% of battle in which I have spawned 3 vehicles. Obviously there are some exceptions to this but the point is that often the battle is decided by the time I die.

From a ground forces perspective, many battles especially in the higher BRs are often decided within the first 2-5 minutes. I have found many occasions in which half my team is completely dead in 5 minutes. Other times, half the team died multiple times and quit before I even really saw another tank or got into a good position.

Not really… There’s still another 20 minutes left for a comeback…

People are commonly overly confident and not using communications at all because they don’t look to the team.

And we ll have bad matches, but the negativity and drive to ODL and excuse it, is a real issue.

Removing crewlock would likely even make it worse, as then you’d have people who are quitting for the map being ‘bad’, or the nations not favoring them, would increase.

Average game is probably 11-12 minutes, if a game is longer than that is just drags on with a few people around, your RP gain is going to be trash when all zones are captured and the remaining 3 players on the enemy team are just hiding somewhere or flying around in a plane whilst tickets slowly bleed out, it’s a complete waste of time, especially if you’re on your 2nd or 3rd spawn so no premium rewards and increased repaircosts .

Its no surprise people rather bail out and spend 10 minutes against a dozen enemies, capturing zones and not having to deal with CAS and whilst being able to use their premium vehicle.

Again, pure excuse, nothing more…

I one ODL because I play for myself and could care less about a bunch of Rando’s expecting me to outspawn the enemy while our cap is pushed or sniped from god knows where If we winning yea sure but win or lose my 2nd spawn gunna be an Aircraft every single time or Im done lol

lol I had an R3 try spawnrush us to suckerpunch and spawn a plane… Died first, raged and ODLed…

That isn’t how it works. Try it. Go into a game and as soon as it starts or a minute in before you get hit by anything, disconnect from the Interwebs. See what happens when you relog back in.
Crew lock kicks has been in the game since loooong before “1 death leavers” was even a thing. In fact its a trick to prevent players from pulling the disconnect trick since the first games in the 90s.

Ahh the 90’s interweb gaming I was an RTS Legend lol gud ole C&C or Starcraft

People do that anyway, we see above how someone quit multiple maps. With multiple crews across multiple nations people either logout (which I commonly do) or switch crew.

On other threads we’re calling for more actual punishment on those who do leave the team hanging and think that they are psychic.

The picking and choosing, is what needs to be picked up on, and leeway should be there, but if they keep doing it they should face locks for longer periods and across more of thier inventory.

Excuses, or an explanation, trying to point fingers or whatever doesn’t really matter, this what people do and this is why it’s happening, and that’s where you go to solve the issue.

Gaijin doesn’t give the slightest of f’s however.

It’s all just excuses because you have SPAA to spawn, and you can use backups, or use another vehicle.

Your ideas are absurdly backwards and defy ANY and ALL game development logic. You should read up on those things before making such, frankly stupid, claims

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The map bans were implemented, people still quit out of matches they don’t like.

The repair costs were lowered, people still ODL.

Nothing backward about that…

Because the MM is still broken?
Because we still have only 1 ban despite the fact that the number of maps has increased by 4 times.

People do respawn more often now. But they still don`t want to play games where they get spawnkilled by sniping spots put right over their spawns (Normandy rework ftw)

Punishing players to make them play your game is absurdly backwards mate. Punishing people to do sth they do not enjoy is right out of the 17th century

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If I have a crew locked I just keep joining matches with only vehicles which aren’t crew locked, and then ODL until my crew locks are finished.

If that ruins matches so be it. Don’t hate the players, hate the game/devs.

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