Can we please stop with those map designs


The red zones are honestly getting out of hand. Before it’s a way to stop people from getting to cheeky positions, alright, but now it’s literally blocking off 50% of the map, where you can only go forward. No flanking, no nothing. The gameplay has honestly became so focused around direct confrontation that we might as well delete the light tanks and autocannons.

And on that topic, what’s up with removing the bridges in eastern Europe in the dev server? Like, why? Now the entire upper portion of the map, which is more than half in terms of area, is only accessible to tanks like pt and bmp. I’m not talking about new maps, but Gaijin is taking away the variety of gameplay even in those old maps in favor of…?

“Oh no, I have to look to directions other than front??? I have to check my surroundings??? I can’t press W and push their spawn??? I need to have…skill in understanding of the map???” Not anymore lol.


And leaving this here before anyone says “why can’t you just play the objective”

Playing the objective does not equate to nose-diving into the objective the first second you get into the match. If both team is fighting around an objective, the best way in this situation would be clear out the surrounding area of that cap, then cap/decap. Why? Cuz caps are usually open or half open, just driving inside and sitting for half a minute is dangerous.

Flanking in those situation is no way similar to those that sits on a hill near spawn for the entire duration of the game. It’s a good way to drive the enemy out from their defensive positions and neutralize their advantage on a cap point. It’s a way of supporting the rest of the team so they can drive into the cap without dying. If we ban flanking in those 3-point maps just because “oh no those that flanks have an advantage as they appears from unexpected locations” or “flanking means they are not capping”, then we might as well ban CAS, 1.They can see the entire battlefield and attack whoever they want 2. They can’t cap.


Gaijin continues to fail to just make proper maps or reposition spawn and capture zones.


I don’t know, like I really can’t figure out the logic behind this.
Gaijin is destroying there own game with it, with maps that are smaller than WOT.


“Yeah, i like these changes. How could you tell?”
images (32)


I’m not sure how credible that first one is. Apparently it was posted by ConeOfArc on Twitter, and nothing has been mentioned anywhere else. The red zones also follow the terrain, which makes it less believable. Someone please go to the dev server and test it out.

Apparently you can kinda jump the bridges in some spots in MBTs, even including a stock T-90A.

The entire other flank still exists. Even tho I hate that change, it won’t really change alot about the overall gameplay of that map.

Hahaha this cant be real? This has to be a joke right?
They implement changes like these and ask themselves why people do 0 death leave?



tutel prime hunting area

is the same team who are doing the battlepass also doing map changes by any chance?


This is made for the TikTok generation… You are now playing Warthunder and scrolling Tiktok would be too difficult.


next thing might be one way roads, so we can’t regroup or use some sort of tactics.

It will just be a charge into CQC so the match will be over and the all mighty queue times will stay low.

Who gives a flying fornication about gameplay anyway, ameirite?


Map like this must be stop entirely not every vehicles have sh*t tons of armor to fight head on

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Please stop ruining ground battle maps.
If you wanna ban flanking, then buff all light armored vehicles!(lower their br 0.7~1.3)
And please stop hating light armored vehicles.

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positional tactics are not allowed, please drive forward until you are in the enemy spawn or dead. Thank you


Just move the B point on the other side of the river, therefore players will have to consider both sides of the map and won’t go head on in a stupid corridor. Some vehicles are unplayable in this configuration, it’s a bad idea and it will only bring more frustration. There are more clever solutions.


As someone from the generation, this change is BS

Tiktok kids would then just ignore it, seen plenty of times when on Conquest - Seversk-13 3/4 of the team just drive straight through middle towards enemy spawn ignoring the cap on the left side village.

I agree, after the latest change with the European Province map gaijin is just wants us to rush the objectives and brawl ourvelves to death which is how not tank warfare works, period.

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there are still too few red spots, it’s best to combine both spawn points and all run towards A, on their way they can shoot at each other.