Can we please stop with those map designs

Set up a poll, show Gaijin how much the community loves these “balances”

Next step is to remove reverse gear on all tanks.

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Ther already is one and the message to devs is very clear… :)


If this will ocntinue ill stop playing game, bcs its becoming very boring bcs of this… And i dont like how gaijin force us to play on one spot bcs noobs dont know how to check their surrondings…


I think gaijin its just listening who doesnt know how to play, how to snipe or how to flank.

I remember the days when I played with destroyers and snipe without laser rangefinder, its was crazy, now Its all close battle in down tier.

And in top tiers you have just one chance, after you die maybe the enemy team is camping your respawn

These small maps are so bad in all tiers, nowadays you cant play with a light tank or a destroyer tank like it should be, the meta is just heavy tanks, and stay everybody together in the same corner. Looks like Im playing world of tanks

This kind of maps is really arcade, pls try to make realistic maps, maps that you can do strategy.

When it is a small map, nowadays I just dont play it, I prefer to block my crew


Why? Theyre made for idiots, and most of the WT players are idiots.

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You will fight your enemy headon, and you will like it
-Gaijin Entertainment


Not a bug …feature
Help a brother in need

Its russian war tactics, always head on.

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Im one for PTFO but you cant PTFO if your flanks arent clear. Gaijin removing flanks makes maps worst and more shallow than world of tanks maps

This is the last straw. They really did it. On the dev server, all bridges are removed. This has to be, nearly the DUMBEST THING they ever came up with. I play this game for 9 years, this map was there since I play this game (it is a map that was added when US ground was added) and it was OK from the day they added it. I know that gaijin likes to ruin maps by adding the red no go zones, but this has to be the worst. Never ever have i seen something like this. Cutting a map in half. Wow i am actually speechless. This has to be peak nonsense. Catering to the dumbest players (not much smarter than bots) that only can do 3 things:

  • drive forward (in a nearly straight line)
  • click left mouse button until:
  • get left clicked yourself and back to hangar (the players this change is made for normally only have one vehicle in their line up so this is correct)

I think everyone that liked this photoshopped post should re-evaluate their takes.

People getting mad over the fake image too… but not because it’s fake.

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this isn’t your momas map, boyyy


I think people are mad, because of how they generally feel about maps in War Thunder. This post just ignited it.

It doesn’t really matter if it’s photoshopped or not, because the fact is that maps in War Thunder are very claustrophobic and it’s a big problem. This makes the gameplay very arcade.


It does if it’s misrepresenting the actual map boundaries. AKA exagerating the issue…

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It could be posted intentionally as a joke and it still doesn’t matter. Even as a joke it states the author’s opinion that maps are too small and sparks the discussion.

It could be posted with a caption “Gaijin’s map goals:” or “War Thunder in 2030:” and the result would be the same.


I have always liked ground battles more than air battles for one reason: because you could interact with the map and make fun and new strategies. No battle felt the same, and I loved that. Now it feels like a Clash Royale map or something. They even talk about flanking and making strategies on their YouTube channel, but then they do stuff like this.

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Thing is it’s not posted with a caption, and it’s insinuated that this is the fact.

When you then try and excuse it you’re just encouraging people to make the assumption that it is true, get wound up on it, and make all the moaning masses turn up to crap on the game.

And that’s where the usual gripe comes from. The old it has to be the servers, has to be the design of the game, has to be the other players who I can’t kill, has to be the OP vehicles I face, and all the rest to avoid being my own worst enemy.

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What about the Holland map? One whole side of the city has been rendered, but you can’t drive into it! They might have well put up a massive ‘Berlin Wall’ and just paint houses & streets on it. It would save a lot of programming time. Or maybe they could put a massive volcano there with a lava flow that comes down and stops just shy of the river to stop players actually using their brains!

It’s on the dev server. The bridges are all blown down. Look at The Europeancanadian YouTube vid.