Before I explain why Flankers should be 13.0, let me break down 13.0 teams for you when its 13.0 and below:
-Three different F-14 Tomcats with ARH Fakour-90 and AIM-54C being top dog weapons.
-The F-16A/ADF with overperforming airframes.
-The F-15A with 4 IRCCM AIM-9M’s.
-Harriers with ARH AIM-120’s and IRCCM AIM-9M’s
-The JAS-39A Gripen that takes 6 IRCCM AIM-9M’s.
-The JA-37DI with ARH AIM-120’s and thankfully no AIM-9M’s.
-MiG-21 Bison with R-73’s and albeit the worse R-27’s if a British pilot is in your game.
-Tornados, but these are actually balanced.
-French Mirage 2k’s but thankfully they don’t have 6+ missiles like most of the aircraft here.
-France get a Belgian 13.0 F-16A with 6 AIM-9M’s in Sim. Let that sink in.
With that out of the way, let’s go over Team-B:
-MiG-29A that underperforms and has an incorrect missile kit that’s inadequate against the other team. Requires a lot more skill to beat an F-16 than an F-16 needs to beat you.
-MiG-29G that DOES have a good missile kit but generally same FP. Not enough German mains at that BR to make a difference.
-YaK-141 Its a MiG-29 but VTOL, carries 2 less missiles but can carry all R-27’s. A bit better than the MiG-29 at the same BR as it.
-F4F ICE. Theres nothing wrong with it. But still not enough of them to make a difference. Typically flown by good players though, gg.
-J8F. Has 2 PL12’s, but I never see this thing anywhere. Barely any Chinese sim players.
I know its pretty easy to say Skill Issue and not do anything but consider this: If one team’s airplanes are so easy that the other team needs to be filled with much better players in order to make the battle fair, there is very obviously unacceptable imbalance.
There are 3 solutions, but realistically can happen:
- Remove the R-27ER from the MiG29A, and replace the R-60’s with R-73’s and buff its flight performance.
- Move the SU-27/33 to 13.0 to counter the matches that often are 12 Team A players to 3-6 Team B players.
- Decompress BR’s and make 15.0, but this is the unlikely solution because if it was likely, it would have happened already.
The EASIEST solution would be to switch the Flanker from 13.3 to 13.0 like it was in Realistic Battles. If it works in RB, why can’t it work in SB? But if that’s seriously too much, just fix the MiG-29’s weapons kit and flight performance, and make it comparable to the F-16A. The BEST solution is to do all three but obviously that wont happen.
Like I said, this is probably just going to come off as a skill issue rant and maybe it is but at least consider the points. I play both USA and USSR, and I win most times in my American jets, while I don’t win nearly as much in my Russian ones.