Can we just get rid of planes in Arcade?

It’s not better suited if that is not what the players that really play that mode want, Maybe for certain RB players that could jump into AB to grind without having to deal with CAS.

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The mode with more matches/players has zero value to War Thunder, ok…

There are a lot of players that prefer to play Ground Arcade and don’t want a tank only mode, just for CAS to be balanced. Either way, it’s up to Gaijin to decide and they have already said clearly that they won’t make a tank only mode and why.


I just find ground RB extremely boring, regardless if it got an air component or not…

Just unlocked the Leopard 40/70, first game in it I shot down a few planes (quite good as an spaa even with only a single 40mm), once I had enough kills got into a bomber and destroyed some tanks, made cap less camped. I find planes add a lot of value to ground AB :)


Some RB players on the forums believe they are the majority due to the forum being more active on the RB side. Ignoring the reality that GRB is the least popular, not including Naval, Sim, and PvE.

Facts won’t alter these people’s “truths”.

(From an RB player (ex)).


I haven’t played italian tanks in a while but that is my next one to grind, have you tried it against other tanks? It seems pretty good in that role too.
Planes also add a lot of score in Ground AB, I always bring a SPAA when I’m grinding events in case I die on my tank.

That’s what I think too, if you measure it by the old and new forum, the WT Reddit or the amount of RB Content Creators you would think that there are way more RB players. When I joined the old forum in 2015, AB players were always very active in the forum but since they kept being ignored by Gaijin and because most of the game is designed around RB most of them left.

If only Gaijin ran a poll.

That would ruin the game.
Players in general are idiots!

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If player feedback is irrelevant then it’s irrelevant as to whether a player is playing Arcade / Realistic Battles.

So RB players like you go vote on changing Arcade?

They don’t need a poll cause they have stats, if the player numbers on those modes remain stable or increase it means that players are enjoying the game the way it is, or that the things they dislike are not enough for them to stop playing.

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Sorry your opinion is irrelevant you’re a player.

What is irrelevant is your opinion in a game mode you do not like or play, same for mine in RB.

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I’m an Arcade player so my opinion is not irrelevant for Arcade, you are a RB player so your opinion is irrelevant for Arcade. See the difference?


Yes your opinion is irrelevant we’ve just determined this as you are a player and players are stupid (SadLamer says so).

The ones like you being the part of MAJORITY - most likely yes.

What @SadLamer said is that IN GENERAL players are idiots. Meaning the majority would push for bad decisions if given choice. That doesn’t implicate that EVERY player is an idiot, it just states that MOST OF players are idiots.

From what I’ve seen on the old forum and in some topics here on the new one, there will be a lot of players flocking to seemingly simple solutions like “remove CAS”, “nerf this!”, “buff that”, “faster grind” etc. But when you actually want a deep dive discussion into the issues and how these could be solved, those players will not even read a single page of explanation, they’ll just leave because it’s too much text to bother.

The game is a complex mechanism and every idiot will think that just removing what he doesn’t like right away without second thoughts will make the game better. Every idiot wants a simple solution where simple solution is not always a valid one.

Some time ago, after the Arcade SQB was removed, some people from old squadrons playing SQB tried to revive the matches through custom matches between squadrons, and made a discord to organise things. Players from squadrons that ruled the air and kept the top of the chart all the time have been talking about potentially solving the issue of instant bomb fuse, limiting aircraft per team at the same time, etc. but that was just trolling because they knew the players that wanted to play tank battles would come only to matches that would make sense like that. And obviously when the day came, those pilots were like “we were just trolling, we just play normal SQB rules” and in just two matches all people wanting to play tanks left.

And those pilots were still not getting the fact they won’t get to play combined arms matches like that if they won’t accept that constantly getting rolled over with bombs is not something people want to participate in, they won’t be able to play such matches. So in general it boils down to a lot, potenitally most of players not willing to see the full picture and focusing only on what they want, and that’s the problem.


If CAS has zero value, then why do players use it? Some GFAB players also enjoy using SPAA vehicles so removing CAS negates their opportunity to play those vehicles in GFAB.

In an ideal setting Gaijin might better balance CAS in GFAB by not letting aircraft spawn behind enemy locations and provide some immunity from enemy bombers attacking spawn areas. Also putting a timer as to when players can spawn as aircraft could help.

A best case scenario might be for Gaijin to create a ground forces only mode for those of us who do want tank versus tank battles. I would play a tank versus tank only mode.

As you don’t play GFAB you should understand why your opinions on the mode carry little to no credence with those of us who do play GFAB. Because you don’t play the mode your comments come across as trolling in a section of the forums dedicated to arcade.


Because it is there.

The solution is to remove it from Arcade to produce a tank only game mode.

Hence this thread.

Yes I have 10+ threads of ideas on how to nerf CAS but nothing has changed and CAS is accelerating in technology.

If Gaijin isn’t willing to put in work then simpler solutions are required so that something is done rather than the continued status quo which is unbalanced.

For one, with suggestions in the suggestion section, you have to figure out how to get it passed to devs, so it’s both getting votes from those who even care to take a look in the suggestion section of the forums, and then for figuring out what the moderators will pass - and here’s another place where RB players being moderators are affecting what gets passed to dev from suggestion section.

The simple suggestion of removal planes from a mode is not a simple suggestion for gaijin. It affects the retention and monetisation scheme significantly more than just changing the way the planes are spawning in arcade. The fact that a change in code is simple does not equal the change being simple for whole money making plan of developer. Making a tank-only mode would be revolutionary in context of how things are working now and that’s a huge risk.

Simple change in implementation doesn’t mean it being safe.


The suggestion section is heavily moderated and isn’t a place for discussion. Flooding it with every random idea I have for balancing CAS would be idiotic.

The feature in Ground Arcade is arbitrary an arbitrary thing can be arbitrarily removed.

Not necessarily - some ideas can be separate topic, like it was with fighter planes not having markers of tanks in air mission or like the forced bomb fuse is a separate mechanic.

Actually putting a single suggestion with multiple changes in a suggestion section rarely worked in favor in context of suggestion section, because if there were polls for multiple things, and only one of those things had high percentage of votes in favour, or if there was something that had a lot of negative, for some reason even with a lot of votes, those weren’t passed to devs. And also if you put multiple ideas together and just do a single poll, you end up with multiple people arguing about specific parts of your idea for interpretation.

If I’m not wrong here, because I’m no 100% sure here, but I think that the suggestion for removing markers for fighters was never passed to devs, and If that’s correct, with the fact that roadmap is made through a general public poll and not from suggestion section, it proves that suggestions being passed to devs is not working correctly and they get feedback for roadmap directly from the polls and correlate it to discussions on the forum, instead of something being passed to devs being a deciding factor.

OMFG. Simple people have such surface level of understanding of how the world works…

The point is: they give us ground arcade for a longer test drive and the outcome is that poeple like it, they jump to it and are happy with it, but it drives down the sales of planes to a rock bottom and most of new people completely stop engaging with the plane tech trees, so their retention and monetisation schemes are bricked. And now getting back to previous system will definitely have a backlash from community if they’ll try to remove something that works properly. So it can a be simple solution for us - players - but for them - developer as a company trying to make money - it’s not that simple.