Can we get new game modes?

                                  Hello everyone! the purpose of this post is to hopefully achieve the Developers attention and get some sort of new small team-based game modes. 

For starters War Thunder is 10 Years old, and we haven’t seen any permanent game modes. The game has so much potential, and I feel as if it’s being wasted, and to be brutally honest I’m losing interest and getting bored with the way the game has been. It’s only a matter of time before these spreads like wildfire and they lose a huge chunk of their player base. I pray that this post garners a ton of support and attention, because this could be a dire situation for Gaijin.

Air/ Heli’s:

  • Better PvE content this includes but is not limited to, Squadron (Random people) based objectives. -Escort missions
    -Semi-historical battles (with ground and naval units).
    -1v1’s where new players can learn the ropes of dogfighting while earning research?!?
    -Respawns for Air RB. Hell, I’d even be happy with a TDM type game mode lol.


  • Add Bases to protect
  • Maps that where Armour would actually clash with one another (None of the current maps in game, would ever see these types of engagements)
  • Ai infantry units that you can engage with to make things more interesting

Now for somethings that would make the game just a lot more interesting overall (for every game mode):

  • Era Lock (no more up-tiers/ or down-tiers, I just want to fight vehicles my vehicle would/ did fight against), I for one don’t care for getting into a game quick. It’d be more immersive IMO. To counter act some vehicles being to OP (Ex: Tiger I’s/ II’s) limit the Heavy tank class to about 2-3 per team of 16.
  • 30% more research for All / any Up-tier or, more research for killing someone in a higher BR vehicle.
  • Increase the overall research gain for all vehicles.

Well, thank you to anyone who took the time out of their day to read my post, please share and leave a comment I would like this to reach Gaijin so we can all enjoy something refreshing and new. I believe the player base deserves at least one of these ideas. Most of us we have put A-lot of our time and money into War Thunder and Gaijin has been lacking in this area in particular for a while now. We don’t want more premiums and battle passes; you should be more than well-equipped in terms of finances to give us this bare minimum request. I am not the only one to make a post like this, I know you’ve seen them. It’s time to pay up and do some work. I tired of this bare minimum effort and content we have been getting. Thank you!

-Respectfully Ace0fNothing.


I find it so crazy that people keep asking for this. You wanna fight a Tiger in your M4 (75) ??

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I’ve never had an issue with it in the first place, it takes strategy. Thank you for reading my post though.

Strategy where the hell is the strategy? My round won’t do jack crap and all he needs to do is sit there, fire his MG, and then fire a round, you’re dead. That is not a strategy. Strategy is when you need to learn where the weak point is while factoring in, what he is looking at, and when to shoot since if your opponent doesn’t spot you and turns, you are now in a brief spot to aim and fire. This is strategy, and your claim is nonsense that doesn’t benefit anyone and is nothing but a demand cause you are incapable or refuse to learn what your opponent is or how to beat them.


Unfortunately, it is a free game and it has almost no competitors, so they have no motivation to optimize new modes. Let’s take a look at naval battles, almost no one discusses them, and we never see them discussing new modes, even though players have long put forward various modification suggestions.


Gaijin needs to bring back and rework the Advance event they had a couple years ago. It was an incredibly change of pace compared to regular gameplay. It also gave an unloved map (Port Novo) some love. It did have issues, but those could’ve been fixed.

All PVE game mode suggestions require the AI overhaul that’s being worked on.

Era lock is a terrible idea that’ll cause more arguments and dissatisfaction than anything else.

So, 0 meter to 3000 meter engagements…

It’s a free to play game with many competitors, they have more motivation to progress the game and create new modes than most developers period.
If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be working on an AI overhaul for new mode development, as well as testing features for new game modes such as dispersed air spawn, and dispersed ground units despite not having the AI overhaul necessary to further develop those at this time.

Good evening, I appreciate the time it took for you to make this paragraph of pure rage and anger. However instead of giving the post or myself an edit/ idea to counteract this issue, you decided to go ballistic. So instead of cultivating an insult to respond to you with, I thought up a way to counter this. Since at that tier/ BR there is 5 different tank classes how about limiting the heavy tank type to 2-3 per team of 16? Hopefully you are capable of constructive feedback, however, do let me know if this doesn’t make sense, I’d be more than happy to elaborate/ or in the unlikely event, discuss this further to alleviate any loopholes this could come with.

You don’t need an ai overhaul for some gamemodes, however. Something like Capture the Flag, the old Advance mode, and even something like adding more caps to a map requires none of that.

They could also experiment with more historical matchups, but those can be imbalanced.

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CTF doesn’t work with tanks.
Rush was hated then, doesn’t work well with tanks involved.

As for “historical matches”: Custom battles.
And further customizing of vehicle restrictions for custom battles is possible.
Naming servers/matches too.
Actual suggestions that’ll bring for better control and options.

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If you don’t mind looking at the Idea I posted:

I do appreciate the feedback I received however there is one thing I don’t quite agree with and that’d be the reason we would need a Ai overhaul to start receiving new PvE Content?

Making modes before the AI overhaul would mean they’d have to remake all the game modes after it’s finished, which is more work than just waiting for the AI overhaul to finish.

That could be part of my custom match suggestion.

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Very well, however, will research be equal to/ or a little bit less than that of RBs?

It was?

I remember the feedback thread being mostly like “it’s fine, but it has issues.” Here is the feedback thread from the old forum. Players want asymmetrical battles, because GRB hasn’t changed in any meaningful ways for a long time. GRB also needs different gameplay.

Just because gaijin had some bad choices in the initial test, doesn’t mean it should never be attempted ever. It was a great idea, and I wish it was polished up and made an actual mode.

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This wouldn’t be much of an issue either. Copy, Paste, Edit, Test, Publish.

Ideas that work for infantry aren’t necessarily good for tanks.
Battlefield held off on adding tanks to their rush modes for so long that even with their arcade system of damage management, tanks almost ruin the mode.

When Battlefield 1’s BETA was out, the attacking side on tank-enabled maps always won… always.
Tanks are inherently imbalanced toward attacking. And it took nerfs to make tanks borderline useless in BF1 for attack-defend to be anywhere close to balanced.

For games whose priority is realism, you can’t have arcade-game game modes developed for arcade balanced tanks.

That’s not how game development works.

Did you play that event? If you did, you would know that it was decent.

War thunder is not an FPS game. It is so much more dynamic than that. It is also not a primarily infantry game, and just because BF1 couldn’t figure out a tank/infantry balance, doesn’t mean WT should scrap a unique idea that can work.

And who says you can’t be defensive in a tank? You can attack the enemy or defend the point.

Yeah, I did cause your paragraph was a nothing burger that a large group of people who should be ignored have tried to demand. There is little to nothing you have stated that I have not read in the past been regurgitated over and over and over.

I have no reason to bother responding but I decided I was gonna do to. Since you want an essay. I’ll write one.

1v1’'s as a gamemode would not teach people the ropes of dogfighting, this would only make them more toxic than it is. 1v1s are already part of custom battles and should not become something you do in any live match.

Respawns in Air RB would completely defeat the point of people caring about their aircraft if it is destroyed. The reason why some people in Air RB are skilled is because of that one reason. You need to learn situational awareness something new players going into air RB never understand. Something you heavily use in Air Sim.

No just no, that’s called a capture point with a different label.
Battles were never where armor clashed they were always engagements from a distance and the only battle this ever occurred was in Kursk. Which is the only battle in history where vehicles combated one another in up and close.

AI infantry would be nice but remain completely pointless and do nothing.

As I stated in my prior response, and the years of other people stating no, the answer is NO.
I’m not gonna explain, I’m not gonna even bother going into the amount of issues with this dumb and very stupid idea. What I will say is that no one wants an M4A1 fighting a Tiger I. Or a Jagdthpanther there is no strategy with this this is just sealclubbing in disguise.

Research has already been increased and is far larger than it used to be back in 2017, the only thing that is lacking today that didn’t back then is the fact that back then felt more gloomy and other things felt more in place and this is mostly due to the way stuff is textured which doesn’t fit the old textures, they clash.

Now with that, my respond is no to none of this and are things people have said over the years, their meaningless demands. Ones that do not need to be added if you want a new gamemode go suggest it and get it approved. Other this thread is a nothing burger by someone who is passionate but has the wrong mindset of what the game is.

Broken Video. But from what I can see is a skill issue on your part.
I’ve dealt with tanks such as the M4A3E2 without issue but that’s because I know how to and its called don’t blindly drive in a straight line. Situational Awareness.