Can Germany please be placed in their own separate queue?

Inb4 people comment “blah blah the chart isn’t accurate”. I am aware. It’s not perfect, but it’s here to prove a point.

It should be in the best interest of every player who isn’t German (USA-UK-SOV-FRA-ITA-SWE-CHN-JPN-ISR) to have them in their own match making where it is just Germany vs Germany (I call it the “kiddy play pen”), so that the other nations can actually have matches that last more than 7 minutes at a time where 70% of the team doesn’t die and leave within the first 2 min of said match’s first engagement. The indignity of having to play with German teammates who ram you in the ass to push you out in front of enemy sightlines and leaving the moment they start losing has been genuinely driving me insane.


Put US vs US on top tiers then
It’s just not constructive

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I agree, Sov vs Sov and US vs US at top tier, and Germany vs Germany at like 5.0-11.0

It’s just plain ridiculous

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