Call of the Dragon: Object 292

ok and it happend no point in crying about it now

Mock up

The GTD-1000 was replaced at even T-80B stage, 219AS (T-80U) never had this engine but had GTD-1000TF or GTD-1250 (small bunch or T-80U had 1000TF).

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292 doesnt belong as low, if you want 10.7 T-80, im about to make a suggestion in a day or two, maybe today but unlikely.

Awesome! I was worried we wouldn’t get another Russian vehicle. Phew. I’m very happy gaijin gives us more non existent soviet vehicles to play!

I hope we get 10 more top tier Russian tanks. we REALLY NEED MORE PLEASE.

There isn’t enough Russian vehicles gaijin. can we get more this year please!?

It did exist though


Such exist only at Germany and Japan.


Also where be 3BV3 pocket sun shell

The issue is in the engine. The body armor of the T-80BV and T-80U is identical. But so far, on a real tank, I don’t see any similarities with the BV

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Seeing this as an event vehicle raises an interesting question…
Does this mean other similarly armed tanks will be rewards for future events?
By other I mean M1 Thumper, Leclerc T4, Pz 87-140

That’s what I was talking about, my fingers are just tired and we had already been on the topic of the 1000TF to where it could be implied with simply saying “1000”.

->Call of the DRAGON
->Only a russian prototype vehicle


It’s russian so ofc it get’s it

probably even thermals because why not ?
This is russia my friend :))

I would put my money on that. They usually do a “one-off” type of vehicle so they can then roll out changes for a mass patch with more vehicles like it. We’ll probably see more Russian 152’s as well, as the Obj 195 was passed to the developers just recently. Obj 477 would be likely too.

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This MBT looks awesome, but given the event’s theme, I can’t understand why we aren’t getting a Chinese vehicle instead.

Either retheme the event and make a lunar new year theme but late, or swap the vehicle out and just rerun it later.
I dont understand what they were thinking

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Right?! like I just can’t wrap my head around why they did this? even though Russia REALLY doesn’t need more vehicles as event rewards, I honestly wouldn’t even care if it was at least themed around something Russian/soviet. But they made a Chinese New Year event that gives out a Russian vehicle. Like imagine if they did an US independence day event, and handed out a British tank as a reward lol


lol you should be get back reload time on 7.0sec

1st of next month

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