Call of the Dragon: Object 292

If anyone is interested, here is information from the museum:


Aye, its not perfect of course, but i’d rather that then have USSR gaining even more vehicles in their TT.
They’re literally running out of screen space


It would still be balanced if it could; since every MBT could pen it back in exchange as well.

It is, basically, a true glass canon!


I do not agree with you at all. For me event vehicle shouldn’t be really important vehicle, but funny vehicle that are plus on a linup . For me this or the losat are perfect addition .
If they lock vehicle behind events New players won’t have the chance to play important vehicle


I wonder how much the US and Germany cried when they got the mbt70 with the 152mm cannon? (Since that’s the only parameter of the tank???).


did you have any source about 140mm tank gun of MBT Fap or other nation project like M1 CATTB of US or Germany/UK?

Right but why is the funny vehicle, not in a tree that would also benefit from more vehicles?

How soon™ is soon™ ?

DeMarre is not meant for estimating sub-calibre APFSDS projectiles, it’s only meant to be used with full bore AP rounds that were fired by WW2 & early CW AFVs, for KEP use L-O.

Bonking people with HE is going to be fun.


This Is why Italy Is still a bad tech tree, without variety while still having near to no event veichles?
Also Russia don’t Need more veichles

Why is it called call of the dragon then? Seems like the main reward should be chinese or perhaps japanese, and definitely not in the already bloated russian premium tree


Considering it uses APFSDS, you should use the Lanz Odermatt formula instead of the DeMarre formula (which is for APDS here). Do you happen to know the length of the penetrator?

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noone did lmao?

how were we supposed to even know its coming

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someone sent it but it just got deleted, all i saw was 534mm in lenght

No, that one was wrong. Anker is for Obj 187s 125mm.

For 292 they likely just rechambered 3BM-42 for tests, since Grifel-1/2 are like 10 - 15 years newer and the 292 project died by 1991 afaik.

so you deleted it?

Now you just have to be locked in to air, ground or naval for weeks on end.

Obviously, if it’s wrong I’ll delete it as to not create confusion :p

send it again for a second so i can save it