Call of the Dragon: Object 292

except with the 292 you won’t need to aim for weakspots if it stays on 10.0
and just aim in the general direction and left click everything…

  • t80 mobility isn’t that bad
    yes reverse gear isn’t the best but you won’t need it …
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All factors should be considered

There is the problem, all factors on the Object are not considered. But he dont see it

He dont want to see the problem with the 292 at 10.0, he dont see it is a tank with the best mobility, armor (and broken damage model if they copy it out of the BVM) and firepower at this BR

The first part easily applies to the m60. Only it still has a top-of-the-line thermal imager, which makes it easy to find a projectile target.
It also shoots a lot more often.

The 292 has no thermal imager or smoke at all.

It will be a good tank that can move to 9.7 or 10.3 depending on projectile damage. However, reading about penetration is laughable considering it is far from the only parameter

10.0 BR, best penetrating shell(almost 700mm) in game put on tanks that shells with 520mm of pen lolpens basically, mobility of T-80 and even better because it has no era or appliqué armour, going 70km/h and 10sec reload and lack of thermals really doesn’t balance it out basically because we have tanks on 9.7 without thermals too. This tank is Like Leopard 2K but with ability to fire DM53? Balanced ? Definitely no. Compare it to Ariete, lack of thermals and armour is a reason why this thing is on 10.0 and Ariete on 11.7? @Smin1080p Is BR of this tank final or it will go up? No way it will stay 10.0.


uhm i never said it would be balanced on 10.0
it would be overkill
my guess is it will be 11.0 maybe 11.3
or else it would be the new fotm? for russia

except m60 has no armor in comparison
t80 does you can’t pen it with dm23 (most common round on that br)
and even with dm33 its a gamble when it should slap it easily :)

  • take a look at the leopard 2k its 9.7 has no thermals (even tho it had some )
    and you want to tell me it would be fair for the 2k to fight against it ? XD
    even m1 would have stand no chance and get lol pennend on 2km range

Anyway that you suggest it could be 9.3 or 10.0 just proved something to me ;)
Ru main spotted lul

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I got it. You ignore the disadvantages of the tank in the case of the 292 and ignore the advantages in the case of the m60.

No problem, I’ll just watch these naive dialgoes then


Also this shells travel 2km/s, and with long rod modifier it would pierce almost everything. You can even compare to tanks that are in soviet tech tree:

  1. T-64B is 9.7, lack of thermals, better armour, hugely worse mobility, best shell mango 457 at 0°. 7.1s reload
  2. T-72B with Kontakt-1, 10.0!, lack of thermals, no reverse gear, slow as hell, but better armour, best shell mango with 457 at 0° 7.1 sec reload
  3. T-72B kontakt-5, exactly same as above
  4. T-80B Kontakt-1, 0.3 higher, same speed, same armour but with ERA, best shell mango 457/0
    What f else ? Black Eagle on 10.3 on the next event or Armata(152mm) as 11.7 premium?
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right because i do the same as you do ? XD
you ignore the non existent armor on the m60 mbt and go like hur dur but has 585mm pen
ignoring everything else

gtfo and complain somewhere else russia needs handouts :)

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And worse mobility but he dont see the issue here, being a T80 with the most agile and armored russian platform and a 695mm of pen at 10.0? Then lets give a Leo 2K or a Leo 2A4 the DM53. I mean why not? like he said, the penetration is not the most problematic factor at this BR.

Nono i have even a better idea, lets put the 2A5, 2PSO and 2A6 at 10.3, because only have a gen 1 thermal, bad armor at 11.7, and average mobility at 11.7. But the 652mm of pen doenst matter. like he said


soon t15 armata on 10.7 if we go after special need ru mains :)


Of course, i forgot

I think I originally gave the m60 as an example talking about tanks having more than 1 parameter in the form of penetration.

The m60 has pros and cons, just like the 292. I understand them both, you just the m60

You mean small version? Look like 1 : 1

The issue here the only cons the Object 292 have at this br is the reverse speed. Thats why it need to be up. We are talking about a T80BV this mean. Good armor, excelent mobility, extremely excellent firepower, and autoloader (no need a loader who is knocked out your reload speed is slower) (even if are 10sec, remember the 2A4 have ±7.5sec base reload). And no, thermal imager is not an issue with the new nigth battles switch and the majority of the tanks at 10.0 or dont have or are ultra shit gen 1 thermals. You got it why this tank need to be at least at 11.0? And nothing to say if they copy the T80BVM chassi for the Obj292

No smoke, no thermal, longest reload you ignore it?

These are basic things that all tanks have for the game.

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I have already answered you, you are just passing on it since you have no arguments to debate me. And for the smoke, it have ESS. “bUt YoU cAn SeE tHrOuGh WhIt ThErMaLs”. Better than nothing right?

Your explanation literally contradicts what people write about turms. Thermal imaging is a critical plus there. Here it’s a little thing.

It’s a double standard

Like i said GEN 1 thermals. The turms have GEN 2 thermals wich is much better than GEN 1

There´s no double standar since the Turms is in the same nation and br that the obj292