Call of the Dragon: Object 292

This is Gaijin’s revenge for all the NATO players talking about how they keep nerfing our armor…


You think they’re drawn pictures? It looks like a photo. And if it’s a photo, it’s a model. Where’s the layout and why are there only a couple of pictures of it?

Purely research interest.

This has to be Gaijin’s most Balanced™ russian tank by far. Really amazing. Wouldn’t be surprised if it ended up at 9.7 somehow.


You probably don’t know how to play if you think that penetration is the only parameter of a tank.

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Meanwhile HSTV-L on 11.3, Lynx on 10.7, Ariete on 11.7+ XD. This is insane, tank that can lolpen almost anything it sees has 10.0 battle rating xD


not comparable mate the object 292 has much longer fire rate then both of these and has worse turret traverse

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Where is the official source for that?

Sup one second. So Gaijin give a br10.0 tank (for now) a APFSDS with 695mm of pen at 0º but refuse to give the anti-era tip and the DM73, M829A3/A4 (and others) to western tanks in 11.7?. Is that a joke?. And for the ones of “It HaVe A bAd ArMoR” or “iTs A eVeNt VeHiClE” or “iT hAvE a 10 SeCoNdS rElOaD” think two times, 695mm of pen AT br10.0 … IMO This is nowhere near balance

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Losat with 775mm is very effective at 10.0? Answer yourself and then you will realize that penetration without other characteristics is not always a decisive factor


That not comparable as it needs distance for the pen to be good

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The difference here is the losat need long range shot to be effective (almost usseless in some maps), this thing dont need to be at 300-400m to achieve his max pen. Nowhere near comparable

Well, it turns out there are exceptions and it’s not that simple.

All right. Let’s look at the Turkish m60 with a 600-millimeter penetration at 10.0.

What about it?


Not really when they wont even model it accurately

Same answer

You mean the M60 AMBT?

1 Paper hull
2 Paper turret
3 I have not seen one in almost one year
4 Worst turret trasverse mobility
5 Worst mobility in general (except the reverse gear)
6 At best it have 585mm at 10m

2nd generation thermal imager and it doesn’t take 10 seconds to reload.

And the 292 doesn’t have thermal imaging, smoke or anything else.

It’s funny how you immediately forget about penetration when it comes to m60.


Yeah that’s better example

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As you can see the other person above wrote about the minuses of the m60.

It turns out that you can measure the tank not only by the penetration of the projectile


T72 Turms says hello :)

Nope i didn´t, in fact I see the M60 in 10.0 because is worse than the Object 292, worse mobility worse turret trasverse worse armor. The object 292 is a T80BV with a 152mm cannon with 700mm of pen

Because is a M60? not a T80BV?